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Love You Enough to Leave You novel Chapter 171

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 171

Elizabeth sneered as she stared coldly at Charlie. “Charlie Yard, I’ve finally seen your true colors. You love Olivia, and you pander to her son’s every whim. But you don’t even care that your own daughter is now facing a life and death situation in the operating room. What a great husband and father you are.”

Charlie looked defeated and sighed, “You’re being irrational, Elizabeth, and I don’t want to argue with you.”

Upon hearing that, Elizabeth’s face contorted even more with rage.

“Is that your guilty conscience, Charlie? You had a sordid affair with Olivia, and now you’re even covering up for her son. What? Are you afraid that if Oscar found out about it, he will look down on you for being a good-for-nothing hypocrite?”

Her words dripped with so much sarcasm that Charlie couldn’t stand it any longer. “That’s enough from you!” he bellowed.

Despite that, Elizabeth cackled even louder, to a point where she looked almost maniacal.

“Feeling guilty, aren’t you?”

Charlie was silent. At this point, he knew it’d be impossible to talk sense into someone who was being unreasonable.

Elizabeth continued, “You are a heartless hypocrite, and that makes Olivia a shameless b*tch!”

As soon the words left her mouth, Elizabeth felt a tight slap to her face. She instinctively brought her hand up to where she had just been slapped and looked helplessly at Oscar.

Even Charlie was taken aback. He never expected Oscar to be that heavy-handed.

“Oscar, you… “ Charlie wanted to speak but eventually held his tongue.

Oscar’s expression was dark as he glowered at Elizabeth. “Mrs. Yard, I never expected Cassie to be suicidal. I will make it up to her, but please do not drag my mother into this. She is a respectable woman, and I will not let you tarnish her reputation.”

Elizabeth could still feel the burn on her cheek right then. She was humiliated, but that slap did also knock some sense back into her.

With that, she straightened herself up and raked through her hair. It didn’t take long before she regained her poise and composure. If it hadn’t been the handprint on her face, one wouldn’t have known that she had thrown a fit only a while ago.

“Oscar, I will never forget that slap from you. I won’t hold you fully responsible for Cassie’s suicide, but it is still a fact that Cassie tried to kill herself over you. You better pray that she pulls through this, or I won’t let you off. Nobody bullies my daughter!”

Nonetheless, Oscar remained sullen throughout.

Elizabeth distanced herself further from Charlie as she looked silently in the direction of the operating room.

Because of Cassie, the relationship between her and her husband had become even more strained. Gone were the days when they still loved and supported each other.

The three of them paced outside for almost three hours before the light above the operating room door finally flickered off. A team of doctors made their way out, all of them exhausted after such a long procedure.

Elizabeth couldn’t hide her anxiety as she rushed up to them. “Dr. Kane, how is my daughter?”

Dr. Kane’s face took on a ghastly expression. On top of work fatigue, he was also exasperated at Cassie. It hadn’t even been ten days since she got hospitalized, yet she had already caused so much trouble for the staff. More importantly, he was upset at the lack of care she had for herself.

“Mrs. Yard, your daughter is out of danger. But if she continues to have so little regard for her own life, I’m afraid there’s nothing much we can do for her.”

Elizabeth’s face fell.

Meanwhile, Charlie quickly stepped in to change the subject. “Dr. Kane, thank you so much for all your help today. I’ll play host another time and buy everyone here a meal.”

That put a faint smile back on Dr. Kane’s face as he politely took his leave.

Cassie was soon rolled out of the operating room by three nurses. Elizabeth was anxious to see her, but one of the nurses pulled her away. “Please calm down, Mrs. Yard. The patient’s condition is very fragile. We need to let her rest for now.”

For the sake of her daughter, Elizabeth held herself back.

After that, Cassie was admitted to the intensive care unit as her condition needed close monitoring. She’d be transferred to a normal ward only if there were no other complications.

Charlie looked at his daughter through the glass with mixed emotions. It pained him to see Cassie in this state, but all he could do was to hope for the best. After a while, he turned to his wife. “Elizabeth, why don’t you head home and rest? I’ll stay here with Cassie.”

When Elizabeth didn’t answer, Charlie sighed. “Fine, you can stay here and watch Cassie. I need to speak to Oscar.”

Elizabeth still didn’t answer.

“Come on, Oscar. I want to talk to you.” Charlie gestured for Oscar to follow him.

There was a brief hesitation on Oscar’s part, but he eventually nodded and went along.

The two men found a quieter spot where they could sit and speak freely. But for the first two minutes, no one said a word.

Charlie was the first to break the awkward silence. “Oscar, I’m sure you can guess what I wanted to talk to you about, so I won’t beat around the bush. What are your plans with Cassie? Be honest.”

Oscar tugged at his hair in exasperation. “Honestly, I have no idea,” he said solemnly.

Charlie shot him a dirty look. “Cassie had a miscarriage because of you. She slit her wrists because of you. And now all you can say is that you have no idea? I watched you grow up, Oscar, but I never thought you’d be this callous and irresponsible.”

Oscar mulled over it for a while before replying, “Undoubtedly, Cassie’s actions have stressed me out a lot. You’re a man too, so I’m sure you can understand what it feels like when a woman you love constantly threatens you with her life.”

Charlie grew silent.

Then, Oscar continued, “I’m glad that Cassie is fine now, but- “

“But now you don’t wish to marry her, is that right?” Charlie finished his sentence.

Oscar furrowed his brows when he heard Charlie’s reply.

“I’m really disappointed, Oscar. I had always thought you were a responsible man, so I was happy when you and Cassie started dating. I even had plans to let you manage the Yard Group once you got married.” Charlie sighed deeply. “Unfortunately, Cassie was wilful and ran away to start a new life abroad. I was so mad at her for throwing away a good husband like you. Five years later, you married another woman, but we were still on friendly terms. The biggest mistake you made was getting back with Cassie.”

Oscar’s expression immediately changed.


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