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Love You Enough to Leave You novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342 Alone Time

Oscar went to the office after breakfast. On his way there, his headache got so bad that he nearly jumped a red light.

Fortunately, he made it to work safe and sound in the end. For some reason, fate seemed to have set him up to bump into Isabella the moment he stepped into the office.

“Hey, good morning, Oscar! What a coincidence, right? Have you had breakfast yet? I just so happened to have an extra packed. Do you want it?” offered Isabella unabashedly. The woman was as cold as one could be in front of others. However, when talking to Oscar, she was the complete opposite.

Oscar gave Isabella a grim look before reminding, “As part of the company, you should know that we’re now inside working hours. Please don’t act as though you’re above the rules just because my mother favors you. Do respect yourself and others while at work.”

Even though Isabella did not appreciate Oscar’s tone, she already got used to being treated that way by the man.

Isabella was convinced that she had to be brazen in order to win Oscar’s heart. I need to make him feel as though I’m always around. That way, he’ll constantly be reminded of me. I know I can win him over one day if I just continue to be persistent.

The more Oscar gave her the cold shoulder, the more Isabella wanted him. Isabella did have feelings for Oscar, but more than that, she wanted to show the man that she could dominate him just as she did any other male.

Eventually, Isabella’s overconfidence would lead to disappointments in her love life and have her tripping over her own ego.

Following closely behind Oscar, Isabella noticed the pale look on the man’s face. “You don’t look so good, Oscar. Are you sick?” Isabella then reached out and tried to touch Oscar’s forehead, but he instinctively evaded her hand.

Without a word, Oscar stepped into his personal elevator and gestured for Isabella to stop following him.

After the elevator door slowly closed itself in front of her, Isabella angrily stomped her feet.

The woman then quickly recollected herself and glared at her onlookers before strutting into the public elevator as if she was a proud peacock.

When the others saw Isabella press the button for the floor Oscar’s office was on, they could not help being impressed by the woman’s doggedness. Had it been anybody else in her place, they would have given up by then. To the others, Isabella’s can-do attitude was nothing short of an inspiration.

However, what other people thought mattered not to Isabella, for she grew up always getting what she wanted. She was never forced to do or accept anything she disliked, and one or another, she always got her way. Isabella believed she was allowed to take any measures to get the things she wanted, so she took it upon herself to win Oscar over.

To her, Oscar was not a person but a challenge to be completed. Only after accomplishing the feat would Isabella allow herself to relax. Otherwise, she would become the joke of the company for all her acts of desperation.

Isabella was too proud to ever allow something like that to happen.

After walking out of the elevator, Isabella headed straight for Oscar’s office but was quickly stopped by the man’s secretary, Linda. “Mr. Clinton is not feeling well right now, Ms. Walker. He wishes to rest in his office without being bothered by anyone, so I must kindly ask you to leave,” informed Linda.

Isabella gave the secretary a look before responding, “Linda, in case you’re unaware, Mrs. Clinton herself said that I could enter Oscar’s office whenever I want and that I could inform her if anybody tried to stop me. Is that what you want, Linda? Do you want me to report your behavior to Mrs. Clinton and get you fired?”

However, the secretary was unmoved by Isabella’s threat. “I’m only carrying out the duty Mr. Clinton assigned me, Ms. Walker. If you insist on reporting me, there’s nothing I can do about it. That being said, I don’t think you would trouble Mrs. Clinton with something as trivial as this.”

With a hardened face, Isabella took a deep breath and recomposed herself before suddenly giving the secretary a hard slap to the cheek. The smacking was so loud that it attracted the other employees’ attention.

“Who do you think you are? You think you’re allowed to talk to me like that?” sneered Isabella.

Concerned, the other secretaries hurried over to check on Linda, whose cheek had already turned red because of the assault.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure you can talk it out. You don’t have to get physical, Ms. Walker,” reminded one of them.

After looking daggers at her colleagues, Isabella ordered, “Get out of my way.”

Still, they remained by Linda’s side, standing between Isabella and Oscar’s office.

“What’s this? Are you guys trying to stop me from seeing Oscar? You think a useless bunch like you have a chance with your boss?” mocked Isabella, thinking that she was better than everyone else. The woman was determined to ridicule and berate those who dared to stand up against her.

Covering her hurting cheek, Linda continued, “This is a workplace, Ms. Walker. If you’re unable to keep things professional here, I’m afraid I’ll have to take the necessary measures to stop you from disturbing others. Now please go back to your station.”


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