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Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 

Kayla scoffed, her tone filled with disdain. Jealousy? How absurd. Do you truly believe I would stoop so low? You’ve always favored her, haven’t you? The golden child who stole everyone’s attention. I had nothing to do with it.” 

Miles inhaled deeply, attempting to keep his emotions in check as he confronted Kayla’s denial

The evidence points towards you, Kayla Miles asserted firmly. The timing, the proximityit all aligns. I need the truth.” 

Kayla’s eyes flickered momentarily, a glimpse of uncertainty crossing her face before she swiftly regained her composure

Evidence?Kayla retorted, her voice laced with mockery. Show me this socalled evidence, Miles, Prove it if you can.” 

Frustration surged within Miles as he retrieved a vial containing traces of the poisonous wolfsbane from his pocket

Taking a step closer to Kayla, he held up the vial for her to see. This vial was found near Alexia’s belongings. Its contents match the poison that threatened her life. Do you still deny your involvement

Kayla’s façade faltered for an instant, a fleeting glimmer of uncertainty flickering across her features before she clenched her jaw in defiance

It’s a setup, Miles, Kayla hissed through gritted teeth. Someone is trying to frame me. I would never harm Kayla said strongly and convincingly


wown sister

Miles, torn between his desire for the truth and the ounce of humanity he still had in him. He searched her eyes for any sign 

of remorse

Kayla, we need honesty,Miles pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. If jealousy or any other motive drove you commit this act, God damn it, confess Kayla! Spit out the truth!” 

Kayla’s defiance wavered, her voice barely a whisper as she reluctantly spoke


You really don’t believe me, Miles. We used to be so good together, till she came along and then you forgot all that we had so easily? I can’t believe this. You threw me here because of Alexia who doesn’t even have a wolf and you want me to confess to trying to kill her? How much crueler can you get, huh Miles? Answer me? She asked, with tears streaming down her face. She folded her knees as she dropped to the ground

Miles averted his gaze. Trying not to fall for the facade he thought Kayla was trying to put up. He inhaled before saying. You know what, Kayla, coming down here was a mistake. I don’t think you’re ready to end your suffering yet, so I’ll just leave you to yourszelf.” 

With that closing statement, Mile’s stormed away from the dungeon leaving Kayla to her misery

Any luck trying to get something out of her?Michael asked Miles, desperately hoping for a positive response

Nope.Miles said, slouching on the couch. She’s still adamant. I honestly don’t know what to do about her.” 

Silence enveloped the room. The Alpha’s were reveling on the events that had transpired these past few days. It has really been hectic for them and the pack at large. They had barely been able to get any work done as they were all focused on getting Alexia back on her feet. It was all they badly wished for at this point in time and Kayla’s adamance wasn’t making it 

any easier for them

Michael’s troubled mind sought a potential solution amidst the sea of uncertainty. A glimmer of an idea began to form, and he turned to his brother, Miles, with eagerness in his eyes

Miles, Michael spoke, his voice laced with a mix of concern and hope, T’ve been thinkingWhat if we consider transferring Alexia to our personal doctor? Maybe a change of environment could make a difference. We owe it to her to explore every possible avenue.” 

Miles regarded his brother, his brows furrowed with contemplation. He understood the weight of Michael’s suggestion and. the importance of leaving no stone unturned in their quest to save their packmate

You think it could help?Miles questioned, his voice laced with curiosity. Our personal doctor has always been reliable, and their expertise might bring a fresh perspective to Alexia’s condition.” 

Michael nodded, the flicker of hope dancing in his eyes. It’s worth a try, isn’t it?he responded, his tone filled with determination. We need to exhaust all options, leave no avenue unexplored. Besides, having someone we trust personally overseeing her care might provide a sense of comfort and familiarity in these trying times.Michael suggested, trying all means to see that he convinced his brother

Miles understood the reasoning behind Michael’s suggestion. The familiarity of their personal doctor, the knowledge that they would have a trusted ally overseeing Alexia’s treatment, could bring a muchneeded sense of reassurance to their fractured pack

You’re right,” Miles agreed, his voice filled with conviction. We owe it to Alexia and ourselves to explore this possibility. Let’s reach out to our personal doctor and discuss the potential transfer. Time is of the essence.” 

Michael took out his phone and dialed their personal doctor’s number, his fingers trembling with a mixture of anxiety and hope. As he waited for the call to connect, he couldn’t help but replay the image of Alexia’s fragile form in his mind, her strength and vitality diminished by the poison coursing through her veins. The urgency of the situation intensified, driving him forward

Finally, the call connected, and Michael took a deep breath before speaking, his voice filled with urgency


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