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Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael) novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 

I feel the same way, Michael. We want her home, but we need to trust the doctors and their expertise. They want what’s best for Alexia, and we have no choice but to respect their decision.” 

During the cause of their conversation, the twins peeked backwards and they noticed that Alexia was fast asleep. The both of them burst into laughter, careful not to wake Alexia

As Miles and Michael settled into their seats by Alexia’s bedside, a question gnawed at Milesmind, and he couldn’t help but let his confusion show. He turned to his brother, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concer 

Michael, I can’t help but feel confused, Miles began, his tone carrying a tinge of uncertainty. If the doctors needed to determine the specific poison in order to administer the right antidote, how were they able to uncover the treatment for Alexia without that knowledge

Michael furrowed his brow, his usually confident expression giving way to a look of discomfort on his face. He was quite unaware of how the doctors were able to work the miracle, but that was the least of his worries now

You know, Miles, I can’t quite wrap my head around it either,” Michael admitted, his voice was laced with confusion and longing for answers. It’s a mystery to me how they were able to save her without knowing the exact poison.” 

Miles nodded, a shared confusion mirrored in his eyes. I just can’t shake off the feeling that we should know, that we need to understand. But at the same time, it’s as if the answer is just out of reach.” 

Michael sighed, his voice carrying a touch of resignation. Sometimes, my brother, we have to accept that not everything can be explained. Perhaps it’s one of those instances where miracles happen. Who knows?He shrugged

Miles listened intently, his curiosity not entirely quelled. But shouldn’t we be seeking answers, trying to understand the how and why? It feels like we’re leaving something important unanswered.” 

Michael leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on Alexia’s peaceful form. A sense of surrender mingled with his confusion, his voice carrying a tinge of contemplation

I understand your yearning for answers, Miles, but sometimes seeking them can only lead to further confusion,Michael said, his voice reflecting the sincerity of his thoughts. For now, let’s focus on the fact that Alexia is alive, that she’s here with us. Sometimes, embracing the miracle without understanding it fully is enough.” 

Miles pondered Michael’s words, a mixture of uncertainty and acceptance playing on his features. He looked at Alexia, her face serene and her breathing steady. The love he felt for her surged within him, reminding him of what truly mattered

You’re right, Michael, Miles conceded, his voice a blend of lingering confusion and newfound peace. Perhaps the answers will reveal themselves in due time, or maybe they’ll forever remain a mystery.Or perhaps not, because he was still yet to 

uncover the cause

Michael offered a sympathetic smile, his voice filled with a profound sense of unity. That’s the spirit, Miles. Let’s focus on Alexia’s recovery for now.He placed a hand on Mile’s shoulder in support

Miles nodded, a sense of calm settling over him as he redirected his attention to the present moment. You’re right, Michael. He pretended

But Miles was desperate to unravel the mystery behind it. To decipher how exactly they were able to determine the said antidote. Miles’s desperation surged once again, and he seized the opportunity to confront Doctor Reynolds about the discovery of the antidote. He tightened his grip on the doctor’s arm and demanded an explanation

How did you manage to find the antidote in the first place without determining the strain of Wolfsbane?” 

Well, we administered a stability antidote to Alexia to stabilize her health so technically, the Wolfsbane is still in her system. but this will keep her alive till we uncover the poison in her

Miles questioned sharply, his eyes locked onto the doctor’s with unwavering intensity. You claimed to have found it, bur now you say it hasn’t fully worked? What kind of game are you playing?” 

Tue, 23 Apr 

Chapter 130 

Doctor Reynolds took a deep breath, his gaze steady as he prepared to provide an explanation. He spoke with a measured tone, attempting to address Miles’s concerns

Miles, I understand your anger and confusion, but please believe me when I say that our intentions were sincere,” the doctor began, his voice calm yet tinged with regret. The initial tests and research showed promising results, leading us to believe we had found the antidote. However, as we delved deeper into Alexia’s condition, we realized that the poison’s hold on her system was more complex than we anticipated.” 

Miles’s frustration grew, his voice laced with a mix of impatience and disbelief. But how could you have been so mistaken? How did you not foresee these complications?” 

Doctor Reynolds met Miles’s gaze, his expression earnest and transparent. We are dealing with a strain of Wolfsbane that possesses unique properties, making it highly resistant to conventional treatment methods. We had to adjust our approach as we encountered new challenges. It was a learning process for us, and unfortunately, it led to this setback.” 


Miles clenched his fists, his anger simmering beneath the surface. So, what now? Are you telling me there’s no hope for Alexia? That she’ll remain trapped in this state forever?” 


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