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Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 

It has been a long time since she stepped out of this Mansion. Maybe it’s time that she actually started to live her life again

Although her parents death have hurt her a lot, she can’t possibly shut herself from the rest of the world forever, righ 

She pushed the door open and walked out of her room

As usual, Matthew was standing guard outside her room

He looked at Acella with shock in his eyes. Obviously, he wasn’t expecting this at all

Miss Acella….is everything alright?Matthew asked

Ever since he started guarding Acella, he had never seen her dressed like this before. He had also never seen her so…..full of life. It’s the first time

And he really didn’t know how he was supposed to react to it

Acella looked down at herself. She suddenly felt insecure. Has she gone too far in dressing herself up

She hasn’t done this in a long time….maybe her skills have gone out of touch? 

What is wrong? Do I look weird?Acella asked softly

Matthew immediately shook his head. No, no, you don’t look weird at all! You look different. A lot happierMatthew said. truthfully

Acella blushed at the compliment

Are you going somewhere, Miss?Mathew asked. It’s his duty to protect Acella so it means that if she’s going on then he’s 

going out too

Ah…yes. I haven’t gone out since….since my parents died. I can’t keep staying inside forever, right?Acella asked

Mathew smiled happily and nodded. He knows that the alpha is worried about Acella. He felt happy now that she was finally willing to stop shutting herself in

Of course! You are still young. Miss Acella! You should go out more and meet friends! You can’t keep locking yourself up inside! Mathew said

Acella nodded her head. She tried to bypass Matthew and leave but she saw that he was ready to follow her

She turned to him. What are you doing?She asked

Mathew gave an embarrassed smile. Following you Miss. I can’t let you go on your ownMatthew said. As Acella’s bodyguard, he knows that she has suicidal tendencies. He can’t just let her go off on her own

Even if she looks happy now, who knows what she will do when she’s all alone? He can’t take the risk at all

I’m just going out. Strolling around the pack and seeing what has changed in the past few months. You really are not going to let me go on my own?Acella asked

She was starting to get upset. For the past few months, she had been trapped in this place. She just wanted to experience freedom and breath in fresh air for a few hours. Why will she let some bodyguard go with her? Isn’t it just going to spoil her fun then

Mathew bowed his head. He too felt that Acella was starting to get upset but he just can’t let her go on her own. Not after everything that’s been going on for the past few days. He needs to be responsible for her at all costs

I’m really sorry Miss but no. I can’t do that. I have to be by your side at all times. After everything that has happened to youI just can’t take any risksMathew said

Acella pouted her lips as the reality of what her life is like right now dawned on her. Everyone thinks that she is crazy and that she is going to hurt herself any chance that she gets

No one wants to listen to her. They just brand her as a crazy wolf

You also think that I’m crazy right?Acella asked

Matthew was taken aback by this question. He never expected it. 

What?! Of course not, Miss Acella! I would never think that you are crazy!Mathew said. He knows that she has some issues. and he had heard her crying herself to sleep most nights

Maybe her parents death affected her a lot and she’s depressed. But she’s far from crazy

No? I think that you are just afraid to admit it! You don’t want to get in trouble with my brother! I’m telling you, I’m not crazy! I’m not crazy at all! Can all of you please stop treating me like some mentally deranged woman who will do something to hurt herself and everyone else around her immediately she gets the chance to?!Acella asked. She was starting to get frustrated

Maybe her parents death affected her a lot and maybe she went off track for a while. But all of this is no reason for them to treat her the way they are all treating her right now

Mathew didn’t know what to say after she said this. It’s true that she isn’t crazy. It’s also true that she won’t go around hurting random people. But he is scared that she will hurt herself

Last time, she had almost drowned herself 

freedom to end her life anyhow she wants

the bathtub. If she doesn’t have anyone looking out for her, she will have the 

Matthew can see that the alpha really cares about his sister. He didn’t want another tragedy to befall them immediately after they lost their parents

I’m really sorry Miss Acella but there’s nothing that I can do besides following you. I know that you won’t hurt anyone else. I’m just worried that…. you’ll end up hurting yourself. I don’t want that to happen to youMathew said


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