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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Honesty and Responsibility Are the Most Important

The smile on the edges of Leanna’s lips fell a little, and she nodded gently.

Zoe couldn’t help but curse in her heart before asking in a low voice, ”Then, did you give the stuff to her?”

”I did, but Anna threw it out.”

Zoe sighed at that and responded, ”Forget it. Since it’s thrown out, so be it. Anyway, you’ve already received the design fees, so they can do whatever they like with it.”

Even though that was what she said, she knew that every design was unique and the brainchild of the designer. So, it would be a lie to say that the designer didn’t mind when they witnessed their design being thrown out.

”Let’s go,” Leanna said…..

Right after she had told Leanna that, she saw Aidan marching out of the hotel with an emotionless face, and a layer of cold air encapsulated him as he strode in large strides toward the Rolls-Royce parked at the side.

He didn’t even glance once in their direction the entire time.

Jonathan followed behind him and couldn’t help but cast a hesitant look at Leanna, unsure whether he should ask her to come along with them. In the end, he nodded at her in acknowledgment and left in a hurry.

”What’s up with that jerk? He’s the one who’s being greedy by wanting more than one woman. How can he act so justified? I really misjudged him. Hmph!”

Leanna merely chuckled softly. ”Let’s go.”

Back at Castor Villa, Leanna was about to go upstairs when the servant, Alice, approached her and said in a hushed voice, ”Madam, did you have an argument with Master again? I saw that he had a long face when he returned earlier. It looks like he’s furious.”

”It’s okay. He’s always like this.”

Before Alice left, she advised Leanna a little more, and when Leanna returned to her room, she took out her luggage from the closet and simply tossed her clothes into it. Then, she strolled out of the room with it.

Outside the bedroom, she saw Aidan leaning against the doorframe with his hands stuck in his pockets and looking at her expressionlessly. ”Where are you going?”

”Since you’re going to get married, there’s no more reason for me to stay here any longer, President Pearson,” Leanna answered.

However, he let out a mirthless laugh before he said, ”Just one word from her, and you took it for real, but when I said so much, you didn’t give two hoots about it. Leanna McKinney, this is just your excuse, isn’t it?”

”You can think whatever makes you happy, President Pearson.”

She couldn’t be bothered to waste her breath on him, so she sashayed forward with the luggage behind her.

Nevertheless, she stopped in her tracks when she was at the staircase. I was too impulsive, she realized.

Aidan didn’t move from his spot, not far from her, as he watched her with composure.

Then, with an inexplicable fury swirling in her chest, it was as though she was squabbling with him without words, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, she went downstairs. ”Alice, will you please help me to bring down my stuff?”

Just when Alice was about to agree, she caught sight of Aidan at the top of the staircase, wearing a stoic face. So, she came up with an excuse on the spot as she placed a hand on her back for support. ”Oh my, Madam. My back has been hurting for the past couple of days from an old pain, and I can’t lift anything heavy,” she said, scurrying away from the scene.

Leanna was rendered speechless by her daring but thought, Forget it. I don’t want my stuff anymore.

Thus, she turned and left, but Aidan’s voice echoed behind her, saying, ”You should think about the consequences of leaving.”

The moment the words left his lips, Leanna really stopped in her tracks, and he came downstairs slowly before taking a seat on the couch.

She looked at him calmly, asking, ”Are you threatening me, President Pearson?”

”If it makes you happy to think like this, then go ahead.”


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