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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Better Not Defy Him

Soon enough, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

The servant came with Leanna’s breakfast and said, “Old Master Pearson has given instructions that you are not to head downstairs for the next few days. If you have anything that you need at all, just let me know. I will bring your meals into the room for you at the same time each day.”

Leanna was not surprised at all by the scenario, so she nodded gently without being emotionally affected.

Judging by the incidents from yesterday, Gordon would surely blame every issue onto her. Hence, it was natural for him to not wish to lay eyes on her anymore.

As for the esteemed guest today…

She recalled the scene she had caught sight of in front of the window and it was quite likely that Georgina’s father had paid a visit.

Therefore, it made sense that she was forbidden from heading downstairs.

She collected the breakfast from the servant and was about to enter her room when she suddenly caught sight of Aidan’s figure.

The servant bowed slightly to her and quickly left after that.

At that moment, Leanna’s eyes coincidentally met his cold and distant eyes. For a moment there, she was at a loss for whether to greet him politely or pretend that she did not see him and shut the door immediately.

Fortunately, Aidan voiced out first, “Don’t trust anyone in this house.”

She was perplexed by his words and paused for a moment before saying, “I don’t get what you mean, President Pearson…”

“Whatever, then.” He retracted his gaze and turned around before suddenly mentioning, “I definitely won’t go back on my words.”

With that, he did not utter another word and went back to his room.

Leanna was momentarily stunned before shutting the door behind her.

She glanced at the breakfast in front of her and just like that, her appetite was lost.

Truth be told, the words that Aidan said were not exactly a mystery to her. She just did not know the extent of his awareness regarding everything. Does he know that Sienna has come to see me? Or is he aware that Sienna had pre-arranged an escape route for me? As such, she chose to act oblivious.

Leanna knew that Sienna was not to be trusted, but without her help, Leanna would not even be able to walk out of the Pearson Family Estate.

After quite some time, she suddenly recalled the last sentence that Aidan said to her.

He mentioned that he would not back on his words.

She placed her hand gently on her baby bump and thought, Even if he keeps his words, it won’t change a thing at all. After the birth of her child, she would be faced with only two options; the child would either be taken away by the Pearsons or be sent to some unknown place.

Therefore, she realized that she had to make plans for the livelihood of their lives.

After being cooped up in her room for an entire day, Leanna realized that she had been granted a lot of leeways previously. Right now, she finally felt the torture of being imprisoned.

Her body ached from lying in bed too much, but she could only walk around in the room.

The little one in her tummy seemed to sense the uneasiness from the outside world, so the baby was rather restless inside and thus, causing her to be very uncomfortable.

The subsequent night, Zoe sent Leanna the latest information.

Pearson Group had already come forward and cleared the air about the false rumors on the Internet from yesterday. The allegation about an illegitimate child was completely untrue and the Pearson Group would pursue this matter in court while taking action against those who spread the false news.

Besides that, everyone was widely discussing Aidan and Georgina’s wedding. This unification of two wealthy families—be it their upcoming wedding next month or the immense benefit brought about by the union of their families—was the center of everyone’s attention.

Occasionally, someone would bring up Aidan’s mysterious ex-wife, who had never been seen in public. However, no one brought up anything about Lux Jewelry’s designer.

Zoe spoke in a soft voice, “Nana, are you leaving today?”

Leanna nodded. Today was the day that she and Sienna had agreed upon.

It also happened to be Gordon’s birthday banquet tonight.


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