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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 You Already Have a Wonderful Son

“No particular reason. I just don’t want to get married.”

Georgina snorted in contempt. “Aidan, do you think marriage is some kind of game that you can just jump in and out of whenever you want? Everyone knows that we’re getting married now! You—”

“You’re the one who wanted to announce it to the world.”

“You agreed to it!”

“Georgina, you know very well the reason why I agreed to it.”

Georgina bit her lip until it almost bled before saying, “It’s because of Miss McKinney, isn’t it?”

“Our marriage was merely a win-win deal for both our families. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Crossley Group shares have increased by 3% in the past month, so you’re not losing out on anything,” Aidan stated coolly.

His voice was void of any emotion as if the marriage was nothing more than a business transaction. Georgina took a deep breath and declared indignantly, “Whatever the case, everyone knows that we’re getting married, so what am I supposed to do if you break it off now? How are you going to explain this to my father?”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that, Miss Crossley. The marriage will be called off because an illegitimate son like me isn’t fit to marry you.”

Georgina’s expression changed at once. “Aidan, what—”

“I’m busy. Have a good day, Miss Crossley.”

Aidan hung up on her without letting her finish her sentence.

Jonathan held his breath as he stood beside Aidan.

President Pearson is willing to take a hit for a Pyrrhic victory. He got what he wanted, but at what cost?

The reality now was that the Pearsons could no longer use Leanna’s unborn child to achieve their goals, so they turned all their attention to the marriage alliance with the Crossleys.

While they were not impressed by the marriage at first, it had to be said that the Crossley family did have a sizable business and family fortune without an appointed heir. It was quite enticing all the same.

Now that Aidan decided to call off the wedding, Gordon would most likely have a conniption.

After getting into the elevator, Aidan instructed Jonathan, “Make the announcement before midnight tonight.”

Jonathan thought for a bit and asked, “What should I include in the announcement, President Pearson?”

After all, he could not go ahead and announce… what Aidan said over the phone, right?

Aidan glanced at him. “If your hearing is a little off, go and get your ears checked.”

Jonathan did not know how to react.

Aidan withdrew his gaze and snorted. “Sienna did go through all that effort to plot everything. The least I could do is return the favor.”

“What do you mean, President Pearson?”

“All these years, she seemed to have accepted my existence simply for the sake of maintaining her and the Zielinski family’s dignity. Why else do you think she would’ve allowed me into the family?”

Jonathan kept quiet. He dared not comment on this.

Aidan continued indifferently, “She dared to plot against Leanna because she is convinced that I won’t do anything about it out of fear that she’ll come out and say I’m an illegitimate son.”

“I’ll get it done at once, President Pearson,” Jonathan said.

Having heard all this, he got the message. Aidan was making his move against the Zielinski family.

The first thing was to openly admit that he was an illegitimate son.

Half an hour later, the car pulled up at Underwood Lane.

The demolition permit had already been approved and they would start tearing down everything next year, so half of the street’s residents had moved away by now.

The once lively street was now cold and gloomy.


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