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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 You Can Be Dominant in Bed Aiden's face turned slightly sour while looking at her without saying a word. Leanna felt uncomfortable with his gaze, so she asked politely, "Could you please leave now? It's getting late now.

I have to work tomorrow.”

Aiden looked unhappy.

"I don't see that you really care for work when you were having a date with Elijah earlier.” “Work-life balance is really important.

I can’t work twenty-four seven.

I need some alone time." As Leanna said, she took a glance at him.

“Plus, I am not that free.

Unlike you, you are so free to the point that you could leave everything about your company behind.

Then, go to someone’s house just to say some inexplicable words, and do some random stuff to mess with them." He said indifferently, "I'm not idle all the time." She commented sincerely, "I genuinely hope that your company will always be thriving and have more contracts—" Aiden sneered.

“Leanna, seriously?”

Leanna thought to herself.

Look at this, this b*stard finally showed his true face. The gentleness earlier was definitely just a façade.

Then, she said, "Those are my best wishes to you.

You are being rude." He raised his hand to pinch her chin while his black eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Who is being rude now?" Leanna glossed over it and smiled.

"You have a bad hearing, too." "Why are you showing me this attitude?” “Then, what kind of attitude should I have? I have been kind enough not to call 911 on you after you forcibly broke into my house." Aiden gazed at her and suddenly felt amused.

"You really are two-faced." At this point in this, Leanna was not afraid of saying something embarrassing anymore as she was on the verge of losing herself.

So, she pushed back.

"Men also behave differently before and after having sex too.

So, you don’t really have the right to say that I’m being two-faced.” He remained silent at her words. She continued in a sarcastic way, "Isn't it true? President Pearson, just think about how much you hated me in the past three years.

Even if I just touched you by accident, it would make you feel disgusted, but that didn’t stop you from having sex with me.” Aiden’s thin lips slightly moved as if Aiden wanted to explain something.

However, he didn't really know what to say. "So, please stop saying that I’m being two-faced.

Because if I’m, then you are just the same as well.” Leanna then thought to herself.

He is the one who is being two-faced.

Now, he has the nerve to come and accuse me.

If he truly wants to give a person a second chance, he’s gotta at least be nice to them, right? She felt that since he always thought that she was a scheming woman, what she just said to him would not really change a thing. After a while, he responded, "You're getting defensive." She answered, "You were verbally attacking me.

I was just telling the truth.”

Aiden lowered his eyes.

His gaze fell on her lips, and his Adam’s apple moved up and down slightly.

After a few seconds, he said thoughtfully, "I have a proposal for you to deal with your anger now.” Before Leanna could answer, he continued, “You can be dominant in bed." Leanna was puzzled as she could not wrap her head around what he just said. He added, "I'm alright as long as you are not mad anymore." She laughed in anger.

"From your tone, it seems that you are forced to do it.” “No, I’m not.

We can do it now." Leanna took a deep breath so she would not lose herself.


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