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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 The Magic Trick Leanna was perplexed by his answer. Why would I feel burdened? The man was afraid of saying the wrong thing if he stayed on longer, so he nodded at her and hastily left the scene. Zoe glanced outside and noticed that the crowd had started to disperse and she could not help clicking her tongue.

"That developer is quite weird, huh? It's quite rare nowadays for someone to stay anonymous after doing a good deed." Still, there was only one she knew of who would do so out of the many people she encountered. Meanwhile, Leanna was at a loss for words. She reached out to press the spot in between her brows and decided to ignore the matter.

"I'll be in my room to continue with work." Zoe nodded.

"Sure, go ahead." … Meanwhile at Pearson Group, Jonathan reported back to Aidan about the latest news, “President Pearson, everything over there is settled.

I don’t think that Madam suspects anything.

I've given the instructions for them to complete their work as soon as possible so that Madam’s working operations won’t be disrupted.” Aidan lowered his eyes and glanced at the band-aid on his hand.

He seemed to be lost in thoughts as he suddenly spoke up calmly, “It doesn’t matter even if she realizes it unless she no longer cares about anything, including her studio." Jonathan coughed awkwardly and remained silent. Undeniably, President Pearson's action was quite… despicable.

If Madam knows about this, she will very likely pay no regard and resort to destroying everything for both parties out of anger. After quite some time, Jonathan mentioned, "President Pearson, the person in charge of Complex Group will arrive in Highside next Saturday.

You will be meeting him for dinner." "Okay." Aidan came back to his senses. Jonathan nodded and was about to leave when Aidan stopped him. "Is Elijah not occupied enough recently?" asked Aidan. "Well…" Jonathan was tempted to say that his boss had more free time than Elijah, but he did not dare to utter that. Not expecting a reply from him, Aidan merely said, "You should find a way to keep him more occupied.

That way, he won't be able to run around and meet Leanna at her workplace all the time." "Noted." After Jonathan left, Aidan dialed Oscar's number. "I'm on a date, so spill." Oscar responded. Aidan leaned back on his chair and spoke in a calm voice, "Your way didn't work." Oscar was momentarily taken by surprise as he did not register what Aidan was on about.

"What do you mean?" What the heck is he talking about? Aidan repeated impatiently, “I said, your way didn’t work at all.

It has no effect on Leanna.

She even—" At that point, it finally dawned upon Oscar and he continued the topic by finishing off Aidan’s sentence, “She even what?” “Bit me.” On the other end, Oscar was rendered speechless as he tried hard to stifle his laughter to stop himself from bursting out laughing. After some time, he finally regained his composure and asked while stifling his laughter, "What did you do to her?" Aidan was reluctant to recall the details, so he questioned unamusingly, "Didn't you say that I should convince her by my actions?" Without much intensive thought, Oscar was sure that Aidan must have done something offensive judging by his character.

After all, Leanna was triggered to the point that she bit him, so he must have behaved very terribly. Oscar responded, "Bro, you should consider the situation before taking action.

I told you that so that you could pay more attention, but I didn’t make you do something at your own whim, which was offensive to her.” Aidan’s brows were tightly furrowed.

"How did you know that she was offended?" "She bit you.

That is obvious enough, right?" Aidan remained silent for a moment before replying, “That is just an indication that your way doesn’t work.” Suddenly, Oscar was offended too.

"That is actually quite rude of you, but I don't mind summarizing the reason for your failure for you.” “Say it.” “This isn’t rocket science by the way.

You’re just too harsh with your words.

If only you could voice out less, then there might be a chance of you succeeding.


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