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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Befuddled Seated aside and listening to the words were Leanna who was having secondhand embarrassment to the point that she wished the earth would open up and swallow her whole. This b*stard has no shame. However, William's smile remained unchanged.

After all, someone as experienced as him in the business world would not be easily fazed by the words of a brazen man. His eyes flickered with fleeting sadness as he looked over Leanna, who he then praised, "Mrs.

Pearson is very beautiful as well." "Well, sometimes, pretty women have bad tempers,” Aidan responded. Leanna was disconcerted by his sudden attack.

Is the b*stard implying that I have a bad temper? She sneered silently before approaching William and conversed, “I can tell that you’re from Highside judging by your accent, am I right?" After the question was asked, he paused for a brief moment before nodding affirmatively.

"Yes, but I've been abroad for a long time." "I see.

Are you back in Highside for your family or to travel, Mr.

Morris?" Avoiding her question, he simply responded, "I don't have any specific plans.

It's primarily for this collaboration." Leanna noticed that William dodged her question and she realized that it might be an uncomfortable question for him.

After some thoughts, she queried again, "You've been abroad for so long.

Do you still have any relatives in Highside?" "No," he answered with a slight smile as he picked up the teacup. “Then—” A piece of cake was stuffed into Leanna’s mouth just as she was about to ask another question. "Don't talk while you're eating or else you'll bite your tongue," Aidan warned. By the time she swallowed the cake in her mouth, Aidan and William had already moved on to a new topic.

As such, she could only remain silent as she was not able to keep up with the conversation. Halfway through the meal, Leanna went to the restroom; to her surprise, she ran into an old friend there. Daniel was taken aback as well when he saw her.

“Is this Miss McKinney?” he asked.

“Yes, it is.

I’m having a meal here,” she responded.

"Are you here for that too?" He shook his head before answering slowly, “I am invited to perform here.” “Oh, I see.

If that's the case, I don't want to take up any more of your time.

Have a good show," she politely stated. To that, Daniel gave a slight nod at her. After she left, he squinted his eyes at her back while pondering about something. Since Leanna did not intend to head back to the meeting so soon, she went to the hotel's terrace to blow off some steam instead. After calming down, she felt that her actions earlier were stepping over the line.

Sure, she wanted to destroy the collaboration by all means, but she could not possibly stick her nose where it did not belong.

I don't want to stoop so low like that b*stard. She took a deep breath to cool herself down before returning to the private room. When she entered, there was only William left in the private room and initiated the conversation.


Pearson, President Pearson is looking for you.”

“I’m sorry.

I went out to take a breather.”

He chuckled.

“It’s boring to hear us talk about business, right?”



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