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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Do You Think I’m Cracking a Joke? Leanna held an IOU in her hand as she knocked on the door to his study room gingerly. Subsequently, she insisted repeatedly that she would definitely find a way to repay the money she owed him. Throughout the entire process, Aidan stared at her coldly with a hint of mockery and disdain in his eyes.

During that period, she had been practically bedridden every day as he left marks all over her body revengefully. After he finally gave her the money, he did not mask his contempt at all as he said, “You don’t have to repay me. I thought that was the main purpose of you scheming so hard to marry me?” Of course, she did not respond to that. It’s all thanks to that entrepreneur who criticized me for not having any goals. It’s quite true that I don’t have the money to repay him right now. It was one thing for Aidan to state that she was exempted from repaying him the money, but she insisted on leaving the IOU with him. It does make sense for him to seek repayment from me after our divorce. Zoe was happily catching up on a TV series in her room when she suddenly heard clanging noises in the kitchen.

Zoe went over and asked, “Sweetie, what are you chopping up there?” “Aidan!” “Huh?” Leanna glanced at the piece of ginger in smithereens before her and finally, she regained her senses. “It’s no big deal. I’m heading out later, so don’t wait up for me. You should go to bed early.” Zoe knew without even taking a guess that it was Aidan causing trouble for Leanna. With a frown, she asked, “What does he intend to do again? You guys are divorced, so why can’t he just leave you alone?!” “Forget about it. I owe it to him in the first place.” “Well, it might be fine right now, but it won’t be when your baby bump shows up in two months. You wouldn’t be able to hide things by then.” Leanna held a knife in her hand and left it suspended in mid-air without any words coming out from her mouth. Yeah.

The two million debt hasn’t been paid off, so I would be indebted to him the entire time until I pay it off. I wouldn’t be able to get away from him. Judging by Aidan’s personality, if he realized that she was pregnant, there was a high chance that she might be escorted to the operation table by force just to avoid the same situation as before; he did not want the child to be used as a guilty weapon against him in exchange for another marriage. After quite some time, Leanna finally responded, “I’ll sort everything out with him tonight.” One hour later, she arrived at Castor Villa. As soon as the doorbell sounded, the servant, who had been waiting perilously for her arrival, instantly rushed to open the door.

The relieved smile froze on her face as soon as she saw the person standing at the door. Aidan walked down the stairs to see the servant lead a young man holding a thermos flask into the room. Needless to say, Aidan’s expression had turned ashen. The man was clearly in shock by the tense atmosphere and he spoke with a stammer, “E-Excuse me… Are you Mr. Pearson? This is a delivery order from Miss McKinney. There should be a delivery code sent to your phone number. C-Could I have that code please?”

Aidan was silent as he pursed his thin lips, trying hard to suppress his anger while reaching for his phone. As soon as the young man obtained the code, he swiftly fled the scene subsequently. Less than two minutes after the young man left, the landline to Castor Villa went off. The servant heard the phone go off, but she did not dare to answer it. Instead, she came up with an excuse and left the scene. The phone went off repeatedly until it was nearly cut off and Aidan finally answered it then. Soon, Leanna’s voice rang out, “President Pearson, have you received the drink? I didn’t have enough ingredients, so I made one batch for you.


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