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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 237

Aidan's expression was way beyond foul at this point. His voice sounded like it was forced through gritted teeth as he said, "Leanna, you'd better not take things for granted. "

She took a step backward and passed this very challenging mission to him. "Then, you do it. I'll dispose of it. '

Aidan glanced at the little mischief on the couch, who was kicking his feet with some residue still sticking on his buttocks. He closed his eyes, suppressed his temper, then reached out and took the soiled diapers from Leanna. Soon, he tumed around to look for a garbage can to toss it in.

"President Pearson, please fetch some hot water in a basin. " Leanna's voice sounded from within the house.

With that, she began looking for wet tissues and clean diapers on the table.

Two minutes later, Aidan came in Mith a small basin while proceeding to place it on the coffee table in front of her.

She dipped the wet tissues in hot water, then lifted the baby's legs and began ufping his buttocks.

When she passed the used tissues to him, Aidan had already punted the garbage can next to her with his foot.

Seeing that, Leanna could not help but pout.

As she was ufping the baby's buttocks, she tossed the diapers to Aidan. "Don't just stand there. Help me figure out how to use this thing. "

Aidan reached out and caught the item that fell in his arms. He looked down at it and his thin lips were almost fonning a straight line.

Inhaling a deep breath in, he finally took out his phone from his pocket after a few seconds. His long fingers swiped and tapped on the screen as he began reading in eamest while frou.ning.

Soon enough, Leanna was done with ufping the baby's buttocks. She tumed around and asked, "President Pearson, have you figured it out?"

Aidan tossed his phone aside and stepped forward with his long legs. "Move.'

Realizing that he was about to do it himself, she hastily cleared a spot for him.

Aidan was indeed undeniably smart; he only had to skim tln•ough the tutorial once to learn how to change diapers. Although his actions were rather stiff, he successfully completed the task in the end.

When he was done changing the diaper, Leanna put the pants on the baby.

After everything was settled, she held the baby in her arms, then looked at Aidan and asked casually, "President Pearson, do you want to hold him for a bit?"

"No." His rejection was cold.

"I see. Then, could you help me prepare some formula for him? He just emptied his belly, so he's probably hungry now. " Leanna continued, "Right, just now, Ms. Shaffer said that you have to use wann water, and you only need an ounce and a half. I believe you won't run into much trouble with a simple task like this. "

Aidan stayed silent.

The corners of Leanna's lips tumed up as she smiled radiantly.

At that moment, the sun shone through the clouds and spilled faintly onto the floor.

There was a spot in the yard where one could catch the sun.

"I'll leave this to you, President Pearson. We'll be waiting for you outside," said Leanna.

As she said that, she did not even give Aidan a chance to decline as she carried the baby into the yard. She placed him in the cradle, then pushed it under the sunlight.

The baby seemed to enjoy such weather as well. His little alms waved about in the air and he kicked his feet happily.

Leanna lightly touched his little face as the smile on her lips never once faded.

He's so tiny. I'm sure he's barely a month old.

Some time later, an icy-cold Aidan came over with a milk bottle.

"Thank you, President Pearson. " Leanna took it and smiled sweetly.

He quietly clicked his tongue, but his gaze remained on her face, for he was unwilling to look away.

When Leanna sensed his passionate gaze, she felt a little uncomfortable. Hiding under the excuse of feeding the baby, she hastily tumed around.

The baby must be starving, as he began drinking as soon as he iuappecl his hands around the bottle. Soon, the bottle was emptied out.

Hearing that, Wendy nodded repeatedly and followed Naomi into the kitchen. She said to Leanna and Aidan, "Sorry for the trouble. '


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