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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 242

When the sound of the door closing reached her ears, Leanna stayed under the cover for a few more minutes. It was after making sure Aidan was truly gone that she finally poked her head out of the blanket and took a deep breath.

She flipped the blanket away and got down from the bed to check on the baby in the crib. The baby was in deep slumber, and he didn't show any sign of waking up soon.

Then, she carefully unzipped her luggage and took out her pajamas before tip-toeing to the bathroom.

She dared not use the hair dryer as she was afraid of waking the baby. So, she didn't wash her hair and just tied them up.

After showering, she walked out of the bathroom to find the baby smacking his lips and waving around his hands while his eyes were still tightly shut.

Leanna quickly strode over. As she reached out her hands, the baby caught her fingers immediately.

The corners of her lips curved up before she sat on the bed and leaned on the crib as she stared quietly at him with tender eyes. Soon after, she fell asleep.

It was until midnight that she had woken up by the cries coming from the crib. It was the baby.

She quickly switched on the lights and sat up. Figuring that the baby was hungry, she flipped the blanket away, got down from the bed, and got the thermos to make some formula.

After drinking his milk, the baby was energized and looked around curiously with his big round eyes.

At that moment, the room door suddenly opened.

Then, a man's calm voice came from outside. "What are you doing not sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Leanna turned her head with the baby in her arms. "I wasn't loud, though. Did I wake you up?"

Aidan looked down to see the wide-awake little punk as he licked his lips subtly. Then, he strode over with his long legs and whispered, "Give him to me."

She looked at him with questioning eyes.

And he repeated, "Give him to me. Go to sleep."

She didn't expect him to say that and was stunned for a few seconds before answering him, "It's okay I can handle this myself. You should sleep, President Pearson. '

" You're being coulteous with me now?"

Leanna didn't know how to respond to that.

Aidan didn't wait for her rejection and reached out to cany the baby in her arms.

She dared not to stmggle ufth him as she was afraid of hulting the baby. So, he successfully took the baby in his arms.

He turned around and sat down on the couch. Without lifting his head, he ordered Leanna, "Go back to sleep. "

She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

Aidan was doing something that did not match his image, but the scene before her was surprisingly hannonious.

However, it was apparent that the baby didn't want Aidan to carry him as he pursed his lips, looking like he was about to cry.

Aidan warned him in a deep voice, "Shut up. "

Aggrieved, the little guy sniffled and clenched his fist.

Leanna could not bear to see that. "Just give him to me, President Pearson. He's not comfoltable Mith you holding him. "

He commented, "You're just spoiling him."

She pursed her lips and thought to herself, It's obvious that he's scaring the baby, yet he tums around and says I'm the one spoiling

However, though the baby fidgeted in Aidan's alms, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in a few minutes. That's unexpected, Leanna remarked in her mind.

Aidan placed the baby back in the crib before saying softly, "He'll only wake up once in the middle ofthe night. You can go back to sleep now. "

Leanna looked at him with her head tilted and questioned, "How did you know about that?"

He paused for a brief moment before he raised his head to meet her eyes. "You just need to ask, then you'll find the answer."


She didn't expect him to be so attentive as to ask Wendy about the baby's sleeping habits.


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