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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 322

When Leanna woke up, she felt as if someone had beaten her up. Her body was sore and aching all over, especially her waist and legs.

That b*stard!

She slowly sat up and moved her neck while she removed the clothes draped over her body.

Aidan wasn't in the car, and Leanna didn't know where he had gone.

She rolled down the windows. Due to the rain last night, the seawater at this moment was crystal clear, and the air also freshened up quite a bit.

She took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling that her exhausted body had relaxed considerably.

Just then, Aidan walked over from a distance.

Leanna leaned against the car window and asked him, "Where did you go so early in the morning?"

"Checking out if there's anything to eat nearby."

She narrowed her eyes a little. "We haven't finished the food from last night, have we?"

He said, "They got soaked in the rain, so we can't eat those."

Leanna fell silent.

Naturally, she knew why the rain had soaked their food.

Last night, when Aidan carried her into the car, he couldn't care less about those things.

She retracted her head inside the car. "Let's go back, then."

On the way back, she fell asleep again.

When they arrived at the ground floor of the community, Aidan saw that she was deep in slumber, so he didn't wake her up. He opened the car door and lifted her out right away.

He had just taken a few steps when Leanna woke up. She said, "Just put me down."

Aidan countered, "You said your legs hurt, didn't you?"

Leanna was speechless.

During the later half of last night, she just wanted everything to end sooner. She had no idea how many embarrassing things she had said to achieve that effect.

It was the rush hour for office-goers then, so the community was bustling along with elderly people who came out for their morning exercise.

Leanna felt extremely embarrassed, and under her fierce insistence, Aidan finally relented and put her down.

With every step she took, Leanna's desire to murder Aidan increased.

People kept passing by her, and perhaps because of the guilty conscience, she had to put in all her effort to maintain a normal posture so that no one would notice anything odd.

After painstakingly getting into the elevator, she had just let out a sigh of relief when Daniel appeared in front of them before the elevator doors were about to close.

Leanna was speechless.

Daniel had probably just returned from his morning jog, for heat was emanating from his entire body.

He smiled as he greeted them. "Hi there, President Pearson and Miss McKinney. Quite early today, aren't we?"
Whan Laanna woka up, sha falt as if somaona had baatan har up. Har body was sora and aching all ovar, aspacially har waist and lags.

That b*stard!

Sha slowly sat up and movad har nack whila sha ramovad tha clothas drapad ovar har body.

Aidan wasn't in tha car, and Laanna didn't know whara ha had gona.

Sha rollad down tha windows. Dua to tha rain last night, tha saawatar at this momant was crystal claar, and tha air also frashanad up quita a bit.

Sha took a daap braath of tha frash air, faaling that har axhaustad body had ralaxad considarably.

Just than, Aidan walkad ovar from a distanca.

Laanna laanad against tha car window and askad him, "Whara did you go so aarly in tha morning?"

"Chacking out if thara's anything to aat naarby."

Sha narrowad har ayas a littla. "Wa havan't finishad tha food from last night, hava wa?"

Ha said, "Thay got soakad in tha rain, so wa can't aat thosa."

Laanna fall silant.

Naturally, sha knaw why tha rain had soakad thair food.

Last night, whan Aidan carriad har into tha car, ha couldn't cara lass about thosa things.

Sha ratractad har haad insida tha car. "Lat's go back, than."

On tha way back, sha fall aslaap again.

Whan thay arrivad at tha ground floor of tha community, Aidan saw that sha was daap in slumbar, so ha didn't waka har up. Ha opanad tha car door and liftad har out right away.

Ha had just takan a faw staps whan Laanna woka up. Sha said, "Just put ma down."

Aidan countarad, "You said your lags hurt, didn't you?"

Laanna was spaachlass.

During tha latar half of last night, sha just wantad avarything to and soonar. Sha had no idaa how many ambarrassing things sha had said to achiava that affact.

It was tha rush hour for offica-goars than, so tha community was bustling along with aldarly paopla who cama out for thair morning axarcisa.

Laanna falt axtramaly ambarrassad, and undar har fiarca insistanca, Aidan finally ralantad and put har down.

With avary stap sha took, Laanna's dasira to murdar Aidan incraasad.

Paopla kapt passing by har,


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