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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 330

Leanna sat on the couch and opened up the containers of food in quick succession. Then, she ignored Aidan and began eating.

Aidan sat down beside her. "Weren't those for me?"

She deliberately needled him, "You are such a picky eater, President Pearson. How could these dishes suit your palate? How could somebody who was used to eating all the delicacies in the world be interested in such plain food?"

"Plain food?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. "Is that how you define yourself?"

She said nothing in response.

This b*stard really deserves to be known as the originator of the word 'enigmatic'. I can't believe he managed to figure that out.

Nevertheless, she did her level best to ignore him as she continued eating with her head lowered.

He asked, "Are you still jealous?"

"Jealous? Who is jealous? I…"

"I know. You prefer being spicy." After he said that, he even had the gall to add, "You're spicier than all of them."

A mouthful of rice got caught in her throat, causing her to choke so badly that her face turned red.

He patted her back and handed a glass of water to her. "Nobody is going to snatch the food from you. Eat slowly."

She snatched the water from him and glared at him.

He continued, "I didn't mean to purposely hide this from you. It's just that too many things came up, and I didn't have the time. Besides, I didn't even say much to her. In fact, I didn't even meet with her before you arrived."

After he received the notification regarding Violet's arrival from the receptionist, he went to work at the office downstairs. Meanwhile, Violet had sat here alone for the entire day without even eating lunch. That was also why her temper was so short.

Leanna drank some water and recovered before she responded. "You seemed to be enjoying great fortune in romance recently, President Pearson. How many does that make?"

He was silent for a moment before he probed, "Who did you hear that from?"

"Do I need to hear that from somebody? If you don't want others to find out, then you shouldn't have done it in the first place. So why didn't you tell me this morning?"

He laughed and looked at her in a relaxed manner. "Just the incident with Georgina alone. You've been nursing your jealousy until now. If I told you about this matter, won't you nurse this grudge for the rest of your life?"

His words caused her cheeks to burn. Bah! Shameless b*stard!

After a moment of silence, she finally spoke up. "Why do you suddenly have so many blind dates?"

His relationship with his father was terrible, to say the least. They couldn't even maintain a semblance of harmony on the surface, much less the darkness and hostility underneath it.

Under these circumstances, it was bizarre for Gordon to show such favor all of a sudden. Moreover, it was impossible that he suddenly realized his mistakes after countless sleepless nights and decided to spend the rest of his life making amends to his son.

Aidan's long fingers played with a strand of her hair, and he asked faintly, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Could it be that you asked for these blind dates on your own initiative?"

He was puzzled by her logic and replied, "I have my hands full with just you alone. Why would I invite more trouble for myself?"

"Your hands are full?" She sneered coldly. "In that case, I should be grateful that you're willing to take time out of your busy schedule to keep me entertained, President Pearson."

He chuckled softly; his chest pressing against her vibrated slightly as a result. "Look at how petty you are. You're clutching at semantics."

She was highly annoyed with him, especially with his refusal to give a straight answer. "Are you going to tell me? If you won't, then I'm leaving."

Finally, he rested his chin on her shoulder and slowly murmured, "As you know, the old man has always wanted to drag me down from my current position. To this end, he is even willing to accept a marriage proposal from the Barnett Family and the Crossley Family."

It stood to reason that she knew. Just this alone was enough to show how much the Pearson Family feared him.

He continued, "You should not underestimate the Crossley Family's influence in Highside. Despite suffering from so many scandals, they have a deep foundation. Even a starved camel is bigger than a horse—a millionaire in trouble is still more well-off than the average man."

"But, after the incident with the Crossley Family, didn't you… Didn't Old Mr. Pearson break off the marriage immediately?"

"That's because he could not control the Crossley Family by himself. He also knew that I had always been looking for Lloyd's weaknesses. Hence, he quickly cut ties with the Crossley Family as soon as he landed in trouble."

Leanna understood what Aidan meant. Although Gordon had separated himself from the Crossley Family, he could not watch the Crossley Group fall into Aidan's hands without doing anything.

If that were the case, then the Pearson Family would no longer have the power to compete with Aidan in the future.

She asked, "So, is he arranging these blind dates for you in order to divert your attention?

"Yes, but that's not all."

She did not understand.

Aidan's thin lips curved into a smile, and his black eyes stared straight at her. "Do you hate him?"

She pursed her lips and said nothing. It was true that she hated Gordon, Sienna, Anna, and everybody else except Justin.

He added, "How do you think he will react when he learns that there is a 50% chance for you to be Lloyd's biological daughter, not to mention that you are in a relationship with me?"

Naturally, Gordon would do his best to separate Leanna and Aidan. Regardless, he would never allow Aidan and the Crossley Group to stand against him as one.

So that's what that old fart is playing at.

Leanna pushed the container of food in front of her toward Aidan. "Eat."

Aidan queried, "Are you not angry anymore?"

"I wasn't angry in the first place." I just wanted to ignore him.

Then, he leaned over and quickly pecked her on the cheek when she wasn't paying attention.

She didn't even have the time to react, so she allowed him to succeed just like that.

After dinner, he glanced at the time. "Why don't I send you back?"

"There's no need for that," she replied. "Don't you have work to do? I can go back on my own. Besides, you even gave me a car."

Even if she did not mention her circumstances in the Crossley Residence, he was well aware of the situation.

He asked, "What else do you need? I'll deliver them together."

"There's nothing I need." She added, "By the way, Mr. Jackson also visited the Crossley Residence this morning. Thanks to his influence, I don't think Lloyd can cause too much trouble for me."

He raised an eyebrow at those words. "He went?"

She nodded. "Speaking of which, it's quite coincidental. It's not just Mr. Jackson. Mr. Morris was also there. Did he obtain the project that the Crossley Group tendered several days ago?"


"Does he know about the slippery tricks of the Crossley Group?"


She exhaled. "It's nothing. I just think that he's a good person. Moreover, he doesn't really know many people in Highside. What if Lloyd deceived him?"

He replied, "Don't worry. He is a businessman. Before the cooperation, he would have performed a thorough investigation of the Crossley Group's background. What's more, it's impossible for him to know nothing after the scandal that blew up previously."

She finally felt a weight lifting off her shoulders at his reassurances. She looked at the sky outside and commented, "It's getting late. I should get going."

He held her wrist. "I'll see you off downstairs."

The corners of her mouth lifted into a smile. "Okay."

What a clingy b*stard.

It was raining outside at the moment. Although it was merely a drizzle, it was still quite cold since it was windy.

She pulled the car door open and turned around to ask him to leave. All of a sudden, her vision went dark. His thin lips covered hers, and his large hand wrapped around the back of her head. His kiss was as sudden as it was passionate.

She was caught off guard by his actions. Just as she was about to suffocate, he finally released her and gently helped her tidy her wind-swept hair. "Give me a call when you're home."


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