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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 336

Although Queenie had told the public that she had voluntarily resigned from Lux Jewelry, everyone knew full well what she had really done. However, Leanna had dropped the lawsuit and stopped holding her accountable at the time, while Lux Jewelry parted with her on good terms without revealing too much about her wrongdoings since they'd had a nice time working together. After leaving Lux Jewelry, she'd kept out of sight for some time. However, given what she'd done before, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't make trouble in this time's competition.

After hearing Harvey's words, Leanna pursed her lips for a moment. Then, she said, "I'll be careful."

Harvey had come to remind her this time. After chatting with her for a bit, he excused himself and left.

Leanna stood in place for a while before checking the time. Why isn't that b*stard back yet? Just when she wanted to go out to wait for him, there came the person she and Harvey had just talked about.

Queenie was no longer as cocky and scornful as she had been in front of Leanna in the past, but she didn't look very pleased either. She said nonchalantly, "At last, we're meeting at the competition. This time, I'll let you know what a real designer is like, unlike those who have to rely on their backdoor connections to get to where they are today."

The instant she came over, Leanna knew nothing good would come out of her mouth. She replied with a smile, "Okay. I'll also show you the skills of The Designer Competition's real winner."

Queenie's face changed color at Leanna's words. Despite her unwillingness to admit it, she could never change the fact that she had taken the latter's place and gone to Aeras as the first prize winner of the Emerging Designer Competition back then.

Just then, an unfamiliar man's sardonic voice rang behind Leanna. "What a bold statement, eh?"

Leanna looked back; the speaker just now was a mixed-race middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. At the sight of him, Queenie instantly dropped her head as if she'd been hard done by. Seems like he's Queenie's mentor, thought Leanna to herself.

Robert Debauche eyed Leanna frostily. "McK, huh? I've seen your previous works. Well, you're gifted indeed, but there are many more designers in the world who are more talented than you. I'd say you'd better humble yourself."

Leanna replied unemotionally, "That depends on who I'm humbling myself to. Why should I humble myself to someone unworthy of respect?"

"Do you mean I'm also not worth your respect?"

Leanna wasn't afraid of offending Robert and Queenie at this very moment. In any case, there was already beef between them. Even if she turned the other cheek today, they wouldn't refrain from trying to undermine her because of it. So, she replied, "You're a senior in the design industry, so I should treat you with respect. That being said, don't you think you should watch your words and actions as a senior?" With that, she gave them a smile, ignoring their response as she turned and left.

Robert looked at her from behind with a frown of displeasure. He said to Queenie, "Why would you lose to such a person? Did I spend the past three years mentoring you for nothing?"

Queenie replied in a whisper, "Mr. Debauche, as you've seen just now, she came here with President Pearson. I—"

Robert let out a sneer. "Don't worry; the first place in this year's Designer Competition is definitely yours. The rules of this year's competition have been made public, so I don't believe she can still rely on somebody's backing to do whatever she wants," he said before giving her a backward glance full of grumpiness and impatience. "Don't make me look bad again!"

Queenie secretly clenched her teeth while balling her fists. "I won't."

Meanwhile, Leanna stood by the steps after leaving the venue. Just when she took out her phone to call Aidan, she heard the man's voice asking, "Why did you come out? Didn't I tell you to wait for me inside?"

Leanna put her phone away before turning to look at him. "I've got to go back. I still have work to do at my studio."

Aidan replied, "I'll send you back."

It'd been several days since they last saw each other, so Leanna didn't turn him down. She merely asked, "What about my car, then?"

Aidan shot a backward glance at Jonathan, who immediately took the cue. He said to her, "Please hand me your car keys, Miss McKinney." Ha! Another little game between lovebirds. How boring.

The couple had set out in Aidan's car for a while when Leanna realized that they weren't heading back to her studio. She instantly turned to look at him, asking, "Where are we going?"


Leanna couldn't help but curl her lips. This b*stard probably skipped his lunch again. She asked, "Have you got a lot of work to do at the Pearson Group lately?"

Aidan raised an eyebrow. "Not really."

"Then why did you skip your meal again?"

"I didn't feel like eating it. The meal wasn't as delicious as the ones you made."

Leanna was lost for words, though she couldn't help blushing for a moment. After falling silent for a long time, she finally asked, "President Pearson, have you… joined some workshop lately?"

Aidan asked, "What?"

"I mean… the kind that teaches one how to say pickup lines," Leanna explained. After a moment's pause, she added, "If you really have joined one, you'd better quit it instead of wasting your money. If you can't do that, I can give you two barrels of oil instead."

Aidan was puzzled. What does she mean by that?

Aidan drove Leanna back to her studio after lunch before leaving. It was true that he'd been busy with work at the Pearson Group lately. Otherwise, he wouldn't have not come to her for quite a few days.

Even though the b*stard had left, Leanna didn't have an easy time either. Not only that, but she paid very dearly for her thoughtless remark in the car just now.

As soon as she arrived at the studio, Zoe came over and gave her her car keys. Making faces at the former, she asked, "Where did you go on a date this time? You even let that lowlife's assistant drive your car back here."

Leanna avoided her gaze. She hemmed and hawed, saying, "H-How could I have time for a date? I-I just had lunch with him, that's all…" As she spoke, she tried to make a beeline for her office.

However, Zoe noticed something with her sharp eyes. "What's the matter with your lower lip? It's hurt."

Leanna was lost for words. That b*stard! Not only is my lip hurt, but I'm feeling a dull ache… up there. She replied vaguely, "I accidentally bit into my lip during lunch. Uh, I have two design drafts to work on this afternoon, so I can't chat with you anymore. I gotta go!" With that, she hurriedly fled.

After returning to her office, she didn't have time to think about the competition either. She had to finish the work at hand first in order to have enough time to make preparations for the competition next.

She returned to Crossley Residence that evening and was going upstairs when Lloyd stopped her. He took the initiative to speak to her, which was pretty rare. "Leanna, I've heard from Gina that you're taking part in The Designer Competition, no?"

Leanna knew nothing good would come out of his sudden care for her. She replied with a faint smile, "Yeah, I am."

Lloyd said, "I've seen your design before. I'm sure you'll win a prize in this time's competition."


Just as Leanna was about to go upstairs, Lloyd said, "If you have time tomorrow, can you go somewhere with me?" Then, without waiting for her reply, he continued, "In any case, you should go there and take a look." The first part of his sentence sounded like a request, but the second part of it made it clear that he was pressuring her.


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