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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 362

When Leanna woke up the next day, she felt her entire body aching, and her head hurt.

The feeling was as terrible as they came.

She supported herself with one hand and sat up on the bed. The entire world seemed to be spinning in front of her eyes.

Just then, someone opened the door to the bedroom. A deep man's voice rang out. "You're awake?"

Leanna looked at him, then with the last remaining slivers of her energy, she grabbed a pillow next to her and threw it at him. "You b*stard!"

Aidan didn't say anything.

He caught the pillow in his arms, then curved his thin lips. "I treated you well last night, didn't I? Why are you getting so mad when you're awake now?"

Leanna's ears were burning red. This b*stard even has the nerve to talk about it!

Even though she really was drunk yesterday, it wasn't to the point where she couldn't remember anything.

The b*stard had taken the opportunity to exploit her when she was drunk.

If not, she wouldn't be feeling so terrible like she did right now.

Aidan strode up to her with his long legs, then put down the pillow. "Fine, it's my fault. Why don't you sleep in a bit longer?"

"You can sleep all you want."

Leanna removed the blankets and got out of bed. When she stepped onto the floor, her legs were trembling.

Aidan supported her as he suppressed the smile at the corners of his lips. "I'll be more careful next time."

"In your dreams! There will be no next time!"

Leanna waved his hand away in annoyance, then entered the bathroom.

Aidan looked at the back of her figure, sticking a hand in the pocket of his pants. There was a wry grin on his lips.

Leanna was feeling extremely unwell, so she took some time soaking in the bathtub.

When she got up, she felt that the sore spots on her body had gotten much better.

After the bath, Leanna was pondering over what to wear when Aidan's voice sounded outside the door. "I've placed your clothes at the door."

Leanna closed her eyes, refusing to respond to him.

When the footsteps receded, she finally reached out and took the clothes.

The clothes were all in her size, both inside and out.

Leanna took a deep breath, then slowly put them on.

When she walked over to the living room, Aidan was engaged in a call at the balcony. Some simple dishes were laid out on the dining table.

Leanna rubbed her empty stomach, then sat down and ate.

Sometime later, Aidan came over after ending his call. He pulled up a chair and sat right opposite her. "Has the theme for the rematch been announced?"

Leanna weakly responded in the affirmative.

Seeing that, Aidan asked, "Is it difficult?"

"Not really. It's just a little inconvenient."

To be honest, she never thought that she would land on Queenie's work.

She didn't know if she should call it a coincidence or fate.

Aidan raised an eyebrow. "So you're upset just because of this, and that's why you sulked and ignored me?"

Leanna fell silent.

This b*stard should really watch his mouth.

Leanna swallowed the food in her mouth before replying, "The theme for the rematch was just announced yesterday. It has nothing to do with me ignoring you."

Aidan licked his teeth and decided to drop the issue. He knew he wouldn't hear anything nice from her anyway. Instead, he just said, "I'll take you to work after eating."

After the meal, when Leanna went out, it was already 11.00AM. By the time she arrived at the studio, it was 11.30AM.

Before Leanna got out of the car, Aidan said, "I have an appointment at night, so I can't pick you up. Go home as early as you can."

"Got it."

Leanna was just reaching out to open the car door when Aidan pulled her back. His dark eyes stared intently at her as he asked, "Are you still mad?"


She decided not to be mad at him, for she would be the only one suffering from the anger.

Aidan frowned. "What on earth are you sulking about? Can't you just tell me?"

Leanna looked at him quietly. "I've already told you. You just think it doesn't matter."

"Which words from you have I ever disregarded? Just because I didn't agree when you wanted to have a child? Last night, didn't we—"

"Shut up!"

Aidan curved his lips a little. "Be good and stop making a fuss. You wanted to see Ms. Shaffer's grandson, right? I'll bring you there in a few days."

Leanna stared at him as if trying to catch a hint of weakness on his face.

But obviously, she failed.

His expression was nonchalant as always, making it seem like the one in the wrong had always been her.

Leanna gave up and lowered her head as she said, "I have to work on the competition over the next few days. Let's talk about it another day."


After entering the studio, Leanna flopped onto the office desk, zoning out as she gazed at the baby's-breath outside the window.

Some time later, she finally perked up and took a deep breath. She turned on the computer and began looking up Queenie's previous works. The research took her an entire afternoon.

Even when Zoe came in to give her some tea, she didn't notice it at all.

At night, Leanna finally had an idea of what to do. She drew up a rough line draft, then went home.

When she entered the Crossley Residence, Leanna saw an unfamiliar car parked in the garden.

In the living room, Lloyd was talking to a man she didn't recognize.

When the man saw her, he stood up and smiled faintly. "Hello, Miss McKinney."

Leanna glanced at Lloyd, then looked at him. "And you are?"

"I am a legal advisor of Crossley Group. I'm here on the matter of Mr. Crossley transferring ten percent of his shares to you, Miss McKinney."

Leanna frowned. "Shares?"

Lloyd spoke up. "I've been considering this for a long time, but you're right. You deserve it."

Leanna tugged at her lips, her smile faint.

Lloyd couldn't possibly be so nice. He must have laid out a trap waiting to ensnare her.

However, Leanna couldn't refuse straight away. They were right about her, for she was indeed here for the money.

She picked up the document on the table and gave it a casual glance. "So I just have to sign this document?"

The legal advisor hastily took out a pen. "Yes, yes. You just have to sign your name and mark your fingerprint at the end of the document."

Leanna smiled at him. "Sorry, I'm not very familiar with the law. Can I bring it back and have a detailed look at it? Once I've signed it, I'll deliver it to you."

"Which part are you confused about, Miss McKinney? I can answer your questions."

"I have to see how much I can benefit from this transferring of shares. I have to know all the terms before I sign, after all. If not, I won't be able to defend myself if I were at a disadvantage."

The legal advisor hesitated. "Well…"

At the same time, he looked at Lloyd.

The latter waved his hand and stood up, saying, "Feel free to take it to anyone who knows the law so that they can help you with it. Just get it done within this week."

"In that case, I shall thank you in advance, Mr. Crossley."

With that, Leanna nodded in thanks, then went up to the second floor without looking back.

The legal advisor asked in a small voice, "Mr. Crossley, are you okay with her taking the documents away just like that?"

Lloyd said, "It wouldn't change anything even if she takes it away."

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the share transfer.

Lloyd narrowed his eyes and said, "You just have to deal with the remaining matters. I'll handle things here."


The legal advisor replied, then left.

Once Leanna successfully signed the share transfer agreement, half of their plans would have succeeded.


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