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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 392

While Leanna was drying herself after shower, she noticed her phone buzzing on the bed. She lay on her stomach in bed to answer the call from Aidan.

Once the call got through, a man's gruff voice could be heard. "Were you sleeping?"

"Nope," she replied before pausing and continuing, "I can't sleep."

It was true; she did not feel sleepy, since so many things had happened today.

"Is it because you miss me too much?" he teased.

Leanna went speechless. Can't he be serious for once?

"So, how's the situation going on over there?" She veered into another topic.

He responded indifferently, "The board of directors meeting ended. Don't worry. They can't do anything to me."

"But it's caused such a huge ruckus. The Pearson Family—"

"It is their plan from the beginning. They made a big fuss over it."

Hearing that, Leanna was stunned. "They did it? But I'm pretty sure Queenie taped it."

Her response did not surprise Aidan as he reciprocated, "She's quite smart for getting a scapegoat for herself."

"You mean she did record it, but she used the Pearsons because she didn't wanna offend you?"

Everyone was aware of the schemes and enmity between Gordon and Aidan, despite being a family. After Gordon's numerous attempts went down into failures, he became especially resentful and wished to have something over Aidan's head at all costs.

Queenie was a clever yet daring person for her decision to include Gordon into her plan.

Leanna went silent for a couple of seconds. "Since now we know who's behind this, what are we gonna do?"

"There's no need for the rush," cooed Aidan. "We'll wait for a couple more days."

"Okay." If her guess was right, he might leverage the issue to do something.

He then asked, "Did Lloyd look for you?"


"Let's wait. He'll stop by tomorrow morning at the latest."

Leanna nodded in agreement as she figured the issue would escalate for the worst after what had happened tonight. If Lloyd intended to resolve the problem before it blew out of proportion in order to minimize the loss, the next morning would be his final bet.

She inquired, "Are you still at work?"

Aidan hummed. "I put off a lot of work today."

"I assume you'll be working late today?"

"Wanna keep me company?"

"I'm sleepy. Bye." She hurriedly terminated the call. After taking her sweet time lying in bed, she entered the bathroom to dry her hair. She checked on the time, which showed that it was 1.00AM. It would be ridiculous to head out right now.

But… That b*stard will forget to eat something whenever he's busy.

Lying in bed, she decided to order a food delivery for Aidan. Later on, she thought of how tiring Jonathan would be as Aidan's assistant and added another order for him.

Done with the food delivery, she logged onto her Twitter account, only to see Louis' issue still mentioned in the trending hashtags. Destructive comments directed at Georgina did not die down either.

It seemed like many could not sleep tonight.

As the night sky turned somber, silence sat upon the air and the sound of tree leaves ruffling along the blowing wind could be heard at times.

Soon, the pitter-patter of rain resounded, causing the temperature in the house to dip.

Staring at the leaden night sky through the window, Leanna suddenly thought of the scene where Ron appeared in her studio covered in blood, as well as Leo, whose body was left unbothered in the mortuary.

It took her a while before she heaved a soft sigh. Since she did not owe them anything now, she would not go easy on them anymore.

The rainy night would not pass in peace.

Ever since the recording pen was delivered to the Pearson Family, Queenie had been keeping a close watch on the online articles. Once the recorded tape was revealed, she sighed in relief, feeling the wave of contentment washing over her.

Now that the issue had blown out of control with the Pearson Group's involvement, be it the organizer or the Pearson Group, they would release an announcement to refute the content of the recording for sure. That way, Leanna would lose the chance to display her work.

However, Queenie waited for the whole night and there was no news from neither the Pearson Group nor the organizer. All she received was the news of Georgina getting into trouble.

When Georgina's matter drew everyone's attention away from Leanna, Queenie indeed panicked.

It was then her phone rang; it was from an unknown number. Assuming that it was Ron, she quickly answered the call as if it was her savior. "Ron, I—"

"Do you not have my number?"

The mischievous voice made her brows furrowed. "It's you."

Elliot said, "Yeah, it's me. I asked you to come to the hotel. Why aren't you here?"

Queenie countered, "Have you lost your memory? I gave you what you wanted, so why should I go?"

He guffawed. "Stop pushing me away. What do you mean by you've given me what I want? I haven't gotten what I truly want yet. I'll give you another chance. Come and meet me at the hotel or I'll reveal what you've done."

The grasp on her phone tightened as she attempted to hold in her anger. "And what have I done?"

"Oh? It hasn't been long since the deal ended, but you forgot about it so soon?" He was laid-back. "It's alright. I don't mind reminding you about it."

"No!" Queenie took a deep breath. "You said that it's a deal, right? So, shouldn't you shut your mouth after getting the money?"

"Yes, yes, yes. You're right. I should shut my mouth after taking the money, but that is only a part of the money. About the fact that you bribed the two judges, I haven't received one cent for that yet."

"I did not bribe them, it was Vio—" she replied icily.

"Didn't she do it for you? You were the winner; it wasn't me nor Miss Kramer. Don't you think that I'm right?" Elliot interrupted.

"Are you trying to threaten me with this?"

"Why would I do that? I told you that we're of the same kind. I just wanna get to know more about you." He then added, "I've messaged you the address to the hotel and the room number. If I don't see you in an hour…"

He took his time to continue the rest of the sentence. "The competition is still a hot issue on the Internet. There must be a lot of media that's willing to buy an exclusive at a high price, don't you think? I'm gonna rake in big cash this time."

Clenching her teeth, Queenie pressed the phone screen so hard just to end the call. After standing right at the same spot for a couple of minutes, she dialed Ron's number, but his phone was turned off.

She formed a fist with her hands, and at the sight of the fruit knife on the table, she picked it up and delved it into her bag before changing her clothes to head out.


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