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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 President Pearson Asked if You Have Finished Working It turned out that the rich guy had been married a long time ago. Daphne didn’t know the rich guy was married at first. It was until his wife came out and slandered Daphne that she discovered that he had long been married. Thinking Daphne was the one who seduced her husband, the rich guy’s wife condemned her on the Internet by posting many intimate pictures of the two of them going out for dinner, hugging, and kissing.

The woman kept getting on Daphne’s tail. She adamantly wanted to force her out of the entertainment industry. Hence, besides posting intimate pictures of Daphne and the rich guy, she even hired paid posters and accounts to slander and make malicious remarks toward Daphne. And because of this incident, Daphne kept a low profile for a long time. Finally, Daphne replied, ‘Sadness is inevitable, but I believe she’s more reluctant to be kept in the dark than feeling sad.’ Drifting back from her thoughts, Leanna read Daphne’s reply and texted back. ‘Got it. I’ll find a suitable time to tell her.

‘ Putting down her phone, Leanna went into the bathroom. She splashed her face with some cold water and patted her cheeks, trying to wake herself up a little. No, I can’t be decadent like this anymore. I need to complete the design drawing in three days! Keeping that in mind, Leanna then got down to her design task. She thought it would take her to the very last second to complete the design drawing, but in reality, it only took her two and a half days to complete the sketch for the design. Then, she immediately sent it to Justin, thinking she should leave another half a day for her to make some amendments.

Unexpectedly, Justin promptly responded to her after she sent the sketch. ‘This is fine. Well done! I’ll have someone take it for processing.’ Leanna replied to him, ‘Sure. I’ll send you the drawing of the completed design.’ After she sent the picture over, Justin sent another message two minutes later. ‘Will you agree to come if I wish to invite you to my mother’s birthday party?’ As Leanna looked at that line of text, she was stunned. Before she could even react and reply, Justin sent another message again.

‘What I have in mind is that my mother would be happier if the designer of this piece of jewelry can come and explain the meaning of the jewelry to her in person. But I also won’t force you as I understand your concerns.’ Upon seeing that, Leanna replied, ‘I won’t be going to the birthday party. Do with Mrs. Pearson happy birthday.’ The next day, Leanna headed to the Lux Magazine to find Harvey to report to work. As soon as she arrived at the magazine, she was pulled aside by Zoe. “Nana, can you spare me some time tonight?” “Yeah. What’s wrong?” “Well, it’s Anthony. It’s been a while since he returned to Highside, so he wants to throw a party and invite some friends to a get-together.

He had always wanted to organize one, but he couldn’t because he was busy with work. Since it’s rare for him to have some free time, he wants to throw one now that he’s free. So I was thinking that we can go together if you’re free tonight.” As Zoe spoke, she muttered again, “I don’t know most of the friends he invited this time. I’ll feel better if you go.” Looking at Zoe’s upset state, Leanna found it hard to reject her. Since she also wanted to take tonight’s opportunity to talk things out with her, she eventually decided to attend the party. Therefore, Leanna nodded lightly after a while.

“Sure! I’ll go with you.” At once, the smile on Zoe’s face returned. Giving Leanna a big hug, she said, “That’s great! Okay, hurry up and go to Mr. Mancini. I have a photo shooting task today, so I’ll get going first.” When Leanna arrived at Harvey’s office, she saw a woman sitting in the office with Harvey. Upon seeing Leanna enter, Harvey said to her, “McK, you came just in time. Here, let me introduce you to Lux Magazine’s newly signed designer, Queenie Wojzicki.” Without waiting for Harvey to continue with the introduction, Queenie stood up. Smiling, she reached out her hand to Leanna. “Pleased to meet you, McK. I’ve heard so much about you.” Leanna knew who this woman in front of her was, considering Queenie was the runner-up in The Emerging Designer Competition three years ago and also the person who later took her place to study in Aeras. Politely reaching out her hand, Leanna said, “Pleased to meet you too.


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