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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Still A Duplicitous Man After an unknown amount of time, she seemed to feel a ray of light in front of her, and she could breathe in the fresh air again. Aidan patted her face while his beautiful brows furrowed, “Leanna, wake up.” The person lying on the ground did not respond at all. He leaned over to listen to her breathing and started pumping her chest again. After Leanna coughed out a mouthful of water, Aidan was just about to press her abdomen and make her spit out all the water when Zayn, who heard the news and rushed over, suddenly grabbed his hand.

Aidan growled in a deep and cold voice, “Go away.” There were already many people who heard the news and gathered around to watch the scene, so Zayn pursed his lips without any explanation. “The doctor will be here soon.” Aidan shook off his hand and reemphasized, “I’m saying this again: go away.” At this moment, there was a tug at his other hand, following a soft muffle, “I… Mmm… I’m fine…” When he looked down, Leanna was already awake. Her delicate little face was now pale and her brows were slightly wrinkled, but he could not tell which part of her was hurting. After two seconds, Aidan withdrew his gaze, pulled his hand back, glanced at Zayn blankly again, and got up to leave.

After he left, Zayn stepped forward and held Leanna in his arms, saying, “Leanna, I’m taking you to the hospital.” As soon as he carried her up, Carly rushed over from the crowd to stop him. “Zayn, what are you doing?” “I’m going to the hospital.” “Why are you going to the hospital?! Don’t you know what occasion it is tonight?!” She glanced at the person in his arms and questioned, “Even Aidan doesn’t care about her. Why do you care? Don’t forget what you promised our parents before you came. If things go wrong tonight, the Barnett Family will be doomed!” Carly added, “Since she’s already awake, it shouldn’t be a big deal. She just has to go to the hospital for a check-up. Hand her to me.

I’ll take good care of her. You can be rest assured.” While saying that, she instructed the bodyguard behind her to carry Leanna from Zayn’s arms. Just as they were about to take her away, Zayn’s voice rang, “Carly, you are also a mother. You should be able to understand her.” Carly froze when she heard his words. “What do you mean?” “It’s nothing, I can hand her to you, but if the child in her stomach disappears without a sound, I will not agree to this marriage even if we fall out with the Pearsons.” “She… Zayn…” Zayn added, “The child is not mine. I just don’t want anything to happen to her.” Soon, the ambulance arrived at the door. After watching Leanna being placed into the car, Zayn slowly retracted his gaze. In the car, Carly sat next to Leanna and could not help biting her lip.

Twenty minutes ago, Anna was looking around in the crowd but could not find Leanna. Carly saw her furious look and went up to ask her what happened. Anna told Carly that Leanna married into the Pearson Family with a fake pregnancy, and after the divorce, she became entangled with Zayn. Now, she was trying to repeat the same trick, and she planned to use the child in her stomach as a token to destroy Anna’s engagement with Zayn. Carly was a few years older than Anna, and her personality was not as impetuous and impulsive as hers. She merely reassured Anna that tonight’s engagement would be held as scheduled and that she would handle the rest. After appeasing Anna, Carly called the bodyguard and asked if anyone saw Zayn.


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