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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 No Time for Her

Perhaps her life and her mood had shown some positive change after she moved over—the doctor told her that the child in her belly was developing in a normal and healthy manner. All she had to do was wait patiently for a few more months, and the baby would be in her arms.

When Leanna got home, she saw a copy of the finance column of a newspaper on the front porch. She placed her other things aside and was about to hand the yarn to Naomi when a few words in the newspaper caught her eye. ‘Pearson Group’ was written in large letters.

After the Pearson Family’s recent engagement with the Barnetts, there had been distinct changes in the power distribution of their management team with the news dominating the headlines for days. Aidan’s probably swamped with work. No wonder he doesn’t have any spare time to care for me.

Right then, Naomi walked out of the house to find Leanna looking at the finance news. “What is it? Are you interested in this?” she asked.

Leanna hastily looked away before smiling at Naomi. “No. I was just taking a look at it.”

Naomi glanced at the papers and thought about it for a moment before smiling. “You’re from Highside, right?”

“Yeah.” Leanna nodded.

Naomi looked as if she had more follow-up questions after that, but she held her words back in the end. “Have you bought the yarn?”

“Yeah.” Leanna handed the bag to Naomi. “Ms. Fletcher, I bought some clothes on the way back. I’ll wash yours and return them to you later.”

“Forget it. You can have them. I can’t wear those clothes anymore, anyway,” Naomi said before turning and heading back to the house. That night, the male tenant next door knocked on their door. “Miss McKinney, Ms. Fletcher, I bought some desserts earlier. Ms. Shaffer and I couldn’t finish them, so I thought we’d bring some over to you guys.” The people around the neighborhood often brought small gifts over for one another, so Leanna took his offering without thinking much about it.

The next day, she bought some fruits on her way home and brought them to their place in return. But to her surprise, things started to get out of hand.

“Miss McKinney, my mother sent some local delicacies over from my hometown. You and Ms. Fletcher should try them out.”

“Miss McKinney, my friend has just returned from abroad and he got these chocolates for me. I don’t have a sweet tooth, so I figured that girls might appreciate this gift a little more.”

“Miss McKinney, my department handed us movie tickets. If you have time tomorrow, perhaps we could catch a movie at night.”

Regardless of how insensitive of a person Leanna might be, she was still able to tell that something was right. After Harry left, Leanna turned and walked back into the house with the movie tickets in her hand and a dazed look on her face. Naomi was sitting at the desk and knitting a sweater. “This is the fifth time he brought something over in the past two days, isn’t it?” she asked.

“I think so…” Leanna muttered.

“He’s a decent guy. I heard that his parents are teachers and that he’s working for a state-owned enterprise. That’s a solid and steady income we’re talking about. He’s a reliable man!” Naomi uttered. Leanna sat down beside the other woman. She was at a loss for words.

“Aren’t you going to consider him?” Naomi looked up and gazed at Leanna.

Leanna smiled. “You don’t understand my situation, Ms. Fletcher. I…”

“You’re pregnant, right? What’s the big deal?” Naomi asked.

Leanna’s eyes widened upon hearing the other woman’s words. “How did you find out about that?”

“What’s the surprise? There is a bunch of middle-aged women living in this area, and we’ve all given birth to our own children. We knew about your pregnancy from the day you moved in. You came here because you wanted a fresh start, right? Why do you care so much about the past, then? I can tell that Harry genuinely likes you. If you’re interested in him, perhaps you could talk to him about this while you guys watch the movie tomorrow. A relationship involves two-way effort, so there’s no harm in taking the first step to try things out,” Naomi advised.


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