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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 181

"Don't listen to her!" Julie struggled against the ropes, "Don't put it on! Cheap love, noble love, I don't need your love! Even if you put on that vest, Davina won't let me go!"

"If you don't put it on, I'm going to kill her right now!" By the time Davina said this, she had already loaded her gun.

Julie was right. Whether or not Kieran put on that vest, Davina would absolutely not let Julie go. Similarly, if Kieran didn't put on that vest, he would lose her right now, before the rescue team arrived.

Kieran bent down and picked up the vest from the ground.

"Kieran, don't do it!" Julie struggled desperately, but still couldn't break free from the ropes. The rope on her arm had worn through the fabric of her clothes, scraping her skin raw and staining her white shirt red.

"Kieran, I don't love you. My life and death have nothing to do with you, so you don't need to do this for me. Even if you die for me, I won't shed a tear for you. I hate you, Kieran, I hate you!" Julie's voice echoed from above, but it still couldn't stop Kieran from putting on the bomb-laden vest.

Looking at Julie hanging in mid-air, Kieran's heart ached. His mind was suddenly flooded with a long-forgotten memory...

He remembered her look before the divorce, and the way she had looked at him with expectation, her eyes moist.

"Joyce, do you remember the question you asked me before our divorce?" He looked up into her eyes. Tears blurred her vision, sticking her long eyelashes together, her long hair messy against her cheeks. She shook her head.

Despite being strapped with explosives, Kieran was calm.

He said slowly, "You asked me then, if the person on the operating table wasn't our child but you, would I be upset. I said I wouldn't be. That might be true. If you died, I wouldn't allow myself the chance to be upset."

"Stop talking!" Julie shook her head, feeling as if her heart had been dug out with a knife.

A cold smirk flashed in Davina's eyes as she looked at Julie and said, "I was right, wasn't I? Any man who loves you is doomed to misfortune. You should die!"

Julie finally understood why Davina had brought up the story of Romeo and Juliet...

Maybe from the beginning, Davina didn't want to kill her, but Kieran, the man Julie loved. She wanted Julie to watch as the man she loved died in front of her. If the rope broke, Julie might not die, but she would definitely be hurt.

She wanted Julie to watch as the man she loved died in a bomb explosion in front of her, destroying all her hope and life...

Julie watched as Davina took the bomb timer from another bodyguard...

"Don't press it! Davina, don't press it!" Julie's voice shook as she tried to stop her, but Davina had already put her thumb on the button.

"Kieran, take it off!" Julie screamed in despair, her bloodshot eyes fixed on Kieran, "Kieran, I beg you, Kieran..."

It would take less than a second for Davina to press the timer. Kieran wouldn't have time to take off the vest. Besides, he never planned to remove it, as Davina held the timer in one hand and the button controlling Julie's life in the other.

"What a touching love story!" Davina laughed sarcastically, "Shakespeare said, one's sorrow can be healed by another's. How true! I want to watch as you throw yourselves into despair, wishing for death! Hahaha..."

Davina turned to look at Julie, who was spinning in mid-air, her hand on the button that controlled Julie's rope...

But just as she was about to press it...

A gunshot rang out, echoing through the sky.

The hand Davina was holding the controller with was hit by a bullet from above. The intense pain caused her to drop the controller instantly and she fell to her knees in pain.

The door behind Kieran was suddenly kicked open. Dozens of SWAT officers rushed in, shielding Kieran, and shot the two bodyguards in front of Davina.

At the same time, the bodyguards also opened fire, aiming at Kieran.

Davina picked up a gun from the ground and aimed it at Julie's head, pulling the trigger straight away.

"Stop!" Kieran, strapped with a bomb, couldn't move. Davina's shooting skills were not accurate. The bullet ended up hitting the chair that Julie was tied to. Julie had a narrow escape.

Davina's people rushed out from inside the factory, protecting Davina.

"Rescue the hostages!" Elliot led the SWAT team over, shouting orders at the team leader.

The SWAT team leader gestured to the officers behind him: Team A cover, Team B approach Julie from both sides of the factory.

"Save Kieran! He's got a bomb on him! Where's the bomb disposal expert?" Julie shouted from mid-air.

Seeing the situation turn against her, Davina quickly picked up the controller from the ground.

"Dylan!" Kieran, strapped with a bomb, couldn't move. He shouted at Dylan, who was still holding a gun. The person who had shot Davina's hand earlier was him. Hearing Kieran's shout, Dylan immediately turned to look at Davina, then quickly pulled the trigger.



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