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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 188

The figure by the window drew a cigarette and then found a lighter. In the dim room, the flame flickered to life, igniting the cigarette. The fire died, leaving only a twinkling ember behind.

"Do you know why you're still alive?" The voice was as cold as ice.

Davina Field laid on the bed, unable to move. She felt like a zombie that had just crawled out of a grave; even breathing was a chore, let alone answering questions. She wished this would all end quickly, but it seemed like an extravagant hope.

The figure was a bit far away, and his voice was unclear, but she thought she heard him say, "You don't have the right to die."

Tranquil Care Hospital.

When Kieran Hernandez returned to the ward, he found Julie Abraham and Daphne Flores chatting away happily.

As he entered, he overheard Daphne discussing a shocking topic with Julie.

Daphne clearly didn't expect Kieran to return at this time. She didn't even have time to retract her words, "So, Julie, do you think Mr. Hernandez has been a two-timer in spirit and body over these years? Or just physically and not emotionally? Or has he been repressing his desires?"

Julie had already coughed a few times and tried to signal with her eyes for Daphne to stop talking. But Daphne was too engrossed in the topic to notice Julie's hints.

So, Julie failed to stop Daphne from asking this profound question.

Seeing that Julie was not responding, Daphne continued analyzing seriously, "I personally think that Kieran only did it physically. It's unlikely that he cheated emotionally too!"

"Ms. Daphne, maybe you could ask me directly?" Kieran's voice suddenly came from behind Daphne, startling her.

She spun around and was shocked to see Kieran right behind her, making her feel extremely embarrassed. She shot Julie a blaming look. The look seemed to say, 'why didn't you warn me?'

Julie shrugged innocently, indicating she had tried her best. She had almost gone cross-eyed trying to signal Daphne.

Daphne obviously wouldn't really ask Kieran this question face-to-face; her immediate reaction was to grab her stuff and leave. She put her phone into her pocket and waved goodbye to Kieran and Julie,

"See ya! I'll pick you up tomorrow; bye!" Daphne blew a kiss to Julie, gave Kieran an awkward smile, and then made a quick exit.

Kieran walked towards Julie's bed and leaned on the headboard with one hand while looking down at her somewhat pale face, "What do you want for dinner?"

"Whatever you want to eat!" She replied.

"What I want to eat isn't being served recently; we can have it in a few days." Kieran said, with a deep meaning, then asked Julie again, "What do you want?"

Julie thought about it seriously for a moment, then replied, "Just anything will do! As long as I'm full."

In the end, it was Kieran who made the decision. He called Shannon and asked her to bring some soup.

"Where's Ivan?" Julie asked.

"He'll pick you up tomorrow. He's staying with Dylan Pierson tonight."

In reality, Ivan was very independent. But Julie still looked out the window worriedly; it seemed like it was going to pour. She remembered that the kid was afraid of thunderstorms, so she nudged Kieran's chest, "You should go home to be with Ivan; I'm fine here alone."

Julie actually felt there was no need for her to stay in the hospital, but she followed the doctor's orders. However, the man sitting by her bed didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

"The last time there was a thunderstorm was the night I injured my foot. It was raining cats and dogs, and you left Ivan home alone. I got a call from him; he said he was really scared. When I got there, he was crouched in a corner, hugging his knees." Julie suddenly realized something mid-sentence and looked at Kieran, "That night wasn't a coincidence, was it?"

What were the odds?

On the night she injured her foot, after getting a cast, she insisted on not letting him send her home. She waited for a cab for ages, but none came. As soon as Kieran left the hospital, there was a taxi. When she got back to the apartment and found she couldn't unlock the door, Ivan called to say he was scared of the storm. When she limped over to Ivan's villa, Ivan called Kieran in front of her. Then he deliberately caused a misunderstanding. She was going to explain, but then Kieran suddenly announced that he was going on a business trip and asked her to look after Ivan for two months.

Were all these coincidences part of his plan?

Julie looked at Kieran with suspicion, and Kieran in front of her didn't deny anything. He simply accepted it.

"So from the start, I was living according to your plan, huh?" Julie's eyes flickered, looking somewhat dangerous.

Kieran seriously considered this question, "Not entirely."

Julie suddenly felt there were many issues between her and the man in front of her that needed to be resolved.

"The day I was helping Daphne photograph Elliot Sanches, when I came out, there was a taxi right there, and you were in it. Was that a coincidence?"

"I and the taxi driver waited for you at the door for a good half hour. Do you think that was a coincidence?" Kieran lifted his hand from Julie's side and sat next to her on the bed with his long legs crossed, admitting everything frankly.

"Then there was the time Edda Flores set me up on a blind date. The time I met Jeremy Ford."


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