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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 305

When Julie and Julien pulled up outside Daphne's apartment, they saw a swarm of reporters blocking the entrance. It was as if the entire paparazzi battalion had decided to lay siege to the building. Even the back door was under close watch.

Up on the twenty-third floor, Daphne cracked open her window and peered down. "Holy cow," she muttered to herself, "it's like an ant hill exploded down there. I've never been this famous; heck, in school I couldn't even make the campus newsletter. Now, following Lord Lion's fame, I'm all over the entertainment headlines…"

Her phone had been blowing up with calls and messages since dawn. Frightened by the incessant buzzing, she had turned it off. She glanced at her nearly empty fridge, which now housed nothing but a cup of yogurt. Starve comfortably in her apartment, or brave the gauntlet of flashing cameras below? She chose the former.

Holding the yogurt, she poked a straw into it and took a couple of sips. Rubbing her belly, she said, "Little one, don't blame your momma. It's not that I don't want to feed you, it's your daddy—he's too famous. If you get really hungry, you'll just have to drink my blood, 'cause momma loves you that much."

Daphne noticed her computer blinking with new messages. Julie and Lionel had both reached out to her. She decided to respond to Julie first.

Julie's message expressed concern for Daphne's safety and inquired whether she was still in her apartment.

Yogurt straw still between her lips, Daphne typed back, [Yep, holed up in here. The crowd downstairs is nuts. I'm afraid they'd crush me and my baby bump. If you're coming up, bring me some food, will ya?]

Hearing the chat notification, Julie quickly checked her phone. Relieved that Daphne was okay, she responded, [Watch your mouth. Hang tight, Julien and I will figure out a way to get to you.]

Back on chat, Daphne immediately replied with a [Yes, my Queen (heart-eyed emoji).]

Julie chuckled at Daphne's response while Julien parked the car near the complex's entrance where the commotion was minimal, unnoticed by the horde of reporters.

Julien and Julie stepped out of the car.

"Daphne's right upstairs, but how in the world are we gonna get up there? Even if we do, we can't just walk out with her in front of everyone," Julie pondered. Just then, they heard a loud 'bang' from behind.

Julien quickly pulled Julie behind the vehicle for cover. The reporters all turned around but saw only a minor fender bender—nothing worthy of their attention—so they turned back to their stakeout.

"Talk about bad luck," Julien said as they approached the scene of the minor accident.

Just as she was about to scold the inattentive driver, the passenger door swung open, revealing a pair of impressively long legs stepping out...

And there stood Marlon, Julien's eyebrow arching in surprise.

Marlon, oblivious to Julien, was busy arguing with Harding who had emerged from the driver's side. "Don't give me that look, man. It was your who bumped the car, not me."

"If you hadn't been fondling my leg, we wouldn't have hit that car's bumper," Harding retorted, shutting his door.

With a roguish grin, Marlon countered, "Who knows, maybe you've got a thing for car bumpers!"

"Give me my phone," Harding said, extending his hand.

Marlon tucked the phone behind his back, "No way, I committed a 'leg touching' for this. Can't just hand it back."

As Marlon basked in his smugness, Julien effortlessly snatched the phone from behind and tossed it to Harding, who caught it with precision.

Marlon was left speechless.

"Alright, who's paying for the damages?" Julien asked, nudging Harding's car with his foot.

Marlon grimaced at Julien's car, "Your car?"

Julien raised an eyebrow, "Obviously."

"He did it," Marlon pointed at Harding without hesitation.

Harding looked apologetically at Julien, "It was an accident."

Julien said dismissively, "Forget it."

Marlon's eyes bulged, "Wait! He gets a free pass and I have to pay? What's the deal?"

"It's called fairness," Harding said, patting Marlon's shoulder a bit too comfortingly.

Dodging away, Marlon glared at them both, "You guys are acting fishy? Does Hayden know?"

Harding offered Marlon a mock salute for his boldness to provoke Julien.

Julien quipped, "You fondled Harding's leg, and I didn't accuse you of having an affair."


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