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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 317

"Because... Rowan's back in town," Kyle said earnestly, looking at Julie and Kieran. "I can't figure out what happened between Rowan and Sansa, nor can I stop her from leaving the States. If Fred could really bring Sansa back to consciousness, I'd pay any price. That's why I left you guys leads to follow. If I can't take on Rowan alone, then I've got to spill what I know to you."

After a lengthy silence, neither Julie nor Kieran said anything. They didn't say whether they believed him or not. But Julie, believed in Kyle's affection for Sansa... they seemed genuine.

She ventured cautiously, "What about Zenith?"

The change of subject was abrupt. Kyle looked puzzled for a second before echoing, "Zenith?"

"Yeah, Lucian, you know him, right?" Julie pressed, her voice tinged with anxiety, hoping Kyle wouldn't respond with 'No clue.' Because she had seen Zenith cozying up to Kyle at the hospital entrance and getting into his car with her own eyes.

If Kyle said he didn’t know Zenith, he'd be lying. And if he lied about this, it was likely that everything he'd said before was a web of deceit.

Fortunately, Kyle nodded and said, "So... Zenith is really Lucian?"

"You know Zenith but didn't realize he's my brother?" Kieran pieced it together.

Kyle admitted, "You guys used a blood test to confirm his identity, didn't you?"

Julie's surprise was evident. "How did you know?"

"The moment I met Zenith, I suspected he was Lucian," Kyle said, shaking his head in frustration. "But the guy's a ghost—years of digging and I've got zilch on him."

"So, how do you two know each other?" Kieran asked.

"He's a client of a client. Our paths have crossed a few times, but that's about it. He knows my identity, and that I've been poking around about him." He didn't look like he was lying.

Kyle turned to Kieran, "Now that you've confirmed Zenith is Lucian, why hasn't he come back to the Hernandez family?"

Julie frowned, "Just like when the plane went down... he's off the grid."

Kyle pondered for a moment, then said earnestly, "I'll try to get a hold of Zenith for you guys... but I need you to trust me. I might let the whole world down, but not Sansa. I would never hurt her."

Julie and Kieran had arrived at The Golden Gourmet with heavy hearts to meet with Kyle, but surprisingly, they left feeling a bit lighter. On the drive back to the hospital, Julie couldn't hold back her question. She turned to Kieran, "Do you believe what Kyle said?"

"I do, but let's stay sharp," Kieran replied.

Julie smiled, "I remember watching him propose to my sister. I thought they were going to grow old together..."

"When they're together, they hold hands. When they're apart, they're worlds away. Two possibilities, each with a fifty-fifty shot. There's still a fifty percent chance," he analyzed coolly.

Julie suddenly turned sentimental, "What about us? What do you think our odds are?"

"Fifty-fifty," he stated.

Julie was speechless. Such a man, devoid of flaws in logic, yet equally devoid of romance...

As she pondered this, Kieran, who was driving, said unexpectedly, "Consider it this way - I make up fifty percent and you the other. My fifty percent is a rock-solid guarantee - a promise to hold your hand and grow old together. Your fifty percent is the unknown. So realistically, there's a fifty-fifty shot we'll end up together."

Julie's smile deepened at his words. "That's good to hear. Guess there had been a hundred percent chance for our entanglement."

"In that case, we're a solid hundred percent," he said, looking at her with deep affection.

They continued to the hospital, intending to talk to Dr. Fred, only to find he wasn't there.

"Dr. Fred's out buying a birthday gift for his daughter Emily," Dr. Brice informed Julie with a reassuring smile. "Your people are with him; no worries."

Kieran invited Dr. Brice to join them for lunch at a nearby restaurant, and they settled into a quiet corner on the second floor.

During their meal, Dr. Brice's phone rang, and he stepped out to take the call. A voice from the next room caught his ear—a voice with a haunting familiarity. He heard a woman say, "I think we should be on the same page here. So, how about we team up?"

That voice... Dr. Brice turned towards the room, catching a glimpse through the door as the waitress entered.

He saw a figure—a cascade of slick hair, an elegant white coat, hair neatly tucked behind her ear. It took Dr. Brice a moment to place her... Annalise, Kieran's aunt.

Last time, she barreled right into him like a bull, breaking his phone and had the nerve to accuse him of being handsy.


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