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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 371

Camilla was caught off guard by Kieran's sudden question, and for a moment, she didn't know how to respond.

To love someone so deeply that you can't help it. It had always been him from the very beginning. And... he should have known, shouldn't he? She had confessed her feelings once. But he never took it to heart. Back then, she was young and naive, not understanding whether they were a good match or not, and in her youthful recklessness, she had spoken her heart. He, however, had taken it as a mere joke, hadn't he?

Stunned for a long while, she suddenly curved her lips into a smile, looking into his deep eyes, and quipped back at him, "What if I said it was you?"

Kieran's gaze was intense as he looked at Camilla, with depths in his eyes that she couldn't fathom. It took him a while before he said, "I took it as a joke."

A chill ran through Camilla, but her lips maintained a flawless smile, "Well, you do have Joyce now, after all."

"Yeah." With that single word, the music room fell into an eerie silence, so quiet that the drop of a pin could be heard.

Camilla closed the piano and stood up, saying to Kieran, "It's getting late. I should go to bed."

"Camilla." Kieran stopped her. With her back to Kieran, Camilla's eyes were steely.

"I'm honored to know that I once saved your life and I'm grateful for all the care you've given to Phoebe over the years. But you need to live your own life, you can't sacrifice your youth and love because of Phoebe."

Camilla clenched her fists, clearly hearing the subtext in Kieran's words. She turned around, her gaze fiery, and confronted Kieran, "Kieran, what are you trying to say?"

Kieran stood up, walked over to Camilla, and took her hand.

This was the first time he had ever taken the initiative to hold her hand like this, with the warmth she so admired and longed for.

This unexpected intimacy left Camilla momentarily forgetting to show the anger in her eyes. Instead, she looked at Kieran in confusion, not knowing what he would do next.

To her surprise, he pressed two cold plane tickets into her palm, squeezed tightly, and then let go, saying, "You're not married yet, and it's not proper to always be with a child. We'll do everything we can to find Phoebe."

After speaking, he pulled out a letter and handed it to her, "This is an internship offer from abroad. Take a couple more days of rest, and you should be ready to start. Your life shouldn't be held back because of Phoebe."

Kieran... was he trying to send her away? To drive her away openly?

Camilla looked at the invitation from the translation agency, knowing she had indeed sent her internship application there but had also ensured that they would reject her, so she could legitimately stay in the country. Then she could play the sympathy card with Amanda, using Phoebe Hernandez as leverage, and once Amanda softened, she would surely agree to let Camilla join Simpo Co., staying by Kieran's side.

Her plan seemed to be coming to fruition, but no one expected Phoebe, that little bastard, to go missing, and that the translation agency would actually accept her!

Phoebe's disappearance was undoubtedly related to Lucian Hernandez, but this internship offer...

Camilla looked up at Kieran, wondering if he knew something.

In a fit of emotion, she tore the invitation and the plane tickets in half, confronting Kieran, "I've been taking care of Phoebe since he was little, I can't just leave for my home country without finding him. I can't do that, Kieran, Phoebe is like my own child to me, I can't abandon the search for an internship opportunity. I refuse!"

Her gaze was resolute as she told Kieran, "I will wait until we find Phoebe before I leave!"

After saying this, she threw the torn pieces of the plane ticket at Kieran and turned to leave.

Kieran reached out to grab her, but unexpectedly her T-shirt was so fragile that it tore, exposing her shoulder. Kieran frowned and turned away, "You can go! We'll talk more tomorrow."

Camilla, holding her shoulder, pulled open the door of the music room and walked out!

Kieran looked down at the pieces on the ground, his expression growing even darker.

His phone beeped with a new message, it was from Hayden, "You were right, someone pressured the translation agency to reject Camilla."


"Do you suspect Camilla arranged it herself?" Hayden asked.

Kieran replied curtly, "She’ll eventually show her true color, won’t she?"

"Why are you only now looking for her fox's tail when you didn't before?" Julien questioned Hayden.

Hayden nodded, acknowledging he knew Camilla had feelings for Kieran, but Kieran had never taken it seriously and treated her like a child. Then, due to Sansa Abraham's plotting, Kieran conveniently married Julie Abraham, and too much happened in between.

Ironically, no one had anticipated that Camilla and Bertha Stewart were long-lost sisters. Hayden had thought that after finding out about Kieran's connection to Bertha, Camilla would put her feelings aside.

Indeed, thereafter, Camilla respectfully referred to Kieran as her brother-in-law until it was revealed that Phoebe was not his biological child. She continued with the respectful title, but who could have known she still harbored those feelings.

Chapter 371 1


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