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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Kidnapped By Crazy Fans

“Max, call the cops. Leave the rest to me.”

The scene from the night at the bar appeared in Callum’s head. He remembered how Elspeth had swiftly smashed the wine bottle into that man’s head and that immediately calmed his mind. At least, I know she can protect herself.

“Alright, Callum.”

Knowing his brother’s swift and decisive nature, Max nodded and ran out despite secretly complaining that Elspeth was a troublemaker.

After Callum arrived at the college, he had someone pull out the surveillance footage from inside the campus and at the school gates. Finally, he saw Elspeth’s appearance at 5.00PM.

She entered the convenience store and left with a black plastic bag before heading straight for the public bathroom. There was a blue figure tailing her from a distance. In other words, the last place Elspeth went before she disappeared was the public bathroom.

His eyes darkened as he led a group of people straight toward the public bathroom.

It was already 6.00PM, so there were not many people passing by here. When Callum and the others approached the place, they could hear the vicious laughter of a woman coming from inside the bathroom. “Hahaha. Why aren’t you fighting back anymore? Weren’t you full of strength earlier? Why don’t you continue beating me up? You’re such a shameless woman. How could you seduce Blake? I’m going to scratch your face off!”

When Callum heard the woman calling out his brother’s name, he was sure that the woman was most likely one of Blake’s crazy fans.

“Ugh…” A weak woman’s groan sounded.

After listening to the voices, Callum could tell that there were about three people inside, being two men and one woman. Then, he mentally prepared himself. “Let’s head in.”

Once the bodyguard received his orders, he kicked the door open.

The woman stopped laughing and looked at Callum with a displeased expression.

“What are you? How dare you disturb my good time!”

He raised his eyes, swept his gaze over the woman, and boomed, “How dare you beat up someone under the Winthrop Family’s protection!”

Seeing the dignified man before them, one of the bullies in the back stammered, “T-That looks like the eldest son of the Winthrop Family, Callum!”

Anyone who had seen the news would have recognized the man who frequently gave speeches there. On the other hand, there was a group of strong bodyguards standing behind him. In comparison to them, the two bullies seemed like weak chicks.

Callum then raised his hand, which his assistant immediately understood and ordered the bodyguards to capture the three.

When the woman saw this scene, her eyes, which were filled with lunacy, immediately recovered into sanity. She made the decision to kidnap Elspeth on impulse, but she did not calculate the consequences of her action, which she clearly could not afford.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Winthrop. I-I was impulsive.”

However, Callum merely replied in his cold and emotionless voice, “Leave that for the jury.”

One of the bullies kneeled on the ground. “I’m sorry, Mr. Winthrop. I was blind and accidentally offended Miss Lynwood. Please spare us!”

“Tell that to the cops.” He continued to ignore their pleas before carrying Elspeth in his arms.


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