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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

I didn’t,he quickly said

I smiled. Why would you come knocking if you didn’t?” 

Brandon moved the chopped vegetables to a plate. The old lady downstairs told me. She said my girlfriend was home.” 

I was speechless. I sipped my tea and simply admired him as he worked. Just then, Brandon turned to look at me. What are you so suspicious of?he asked

I gave a faint smile. I thinkthat you’ve been following me.” 

What?His forehead creased

I was joking. I know you don’t have that much time on your hands.With that, I returned to the living room, sipping my tea

After a few more sips, I scrolled on my phone. Soon after, I felt my eyelids drooping, and I gradually fell asleep

I dreamed that the bald man had captured me because Arthur had commanded him to kill me. The bald man began thrusting a knife into me, and I shook my head violently


Mae, wake up!” 

I was woken up. My eyes shot open, and I saw Brandon staring at me anxiously as his hands steadied my head

Did you have a nightmare?he asked in a low voice- 

I was still in shock from the dream. My breaths were shallow. At the thought of the bald man, I grabbed Brandon’s hands and said, The bald man who attacked you the other day is working for Arthur, I saw him 

Brandon frowned even deeper. How did you know?” 

II saw him.I tightened my grip on his hands, then slowly released it

These are my personal affairs, Mae. Don’t get yourself involved, okay?he said sternly

I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t involving myself in his affairs. I had merely bumped into the bald man in my pursuit of the truth behind my father’s death

But before I could speak, Brandon continued, Arthur is a really dangerous person. You mustn’t do anything to him. Got it?” 

Brandon’s expression left me no choice but to nod solemnly. The words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat

He grazed my forehead with his calloused fingers, wiping off the sweat that had broken out during my nightmare. Go take a sip of water. The food is ready.” 

He got up to leave, but I pulled him back. You have to be careful, Brandon.” 

Of course I knew that Arthur was dangerous

He was a huge client in the company. People gossiped about him, speculating how he had managed to build his empire within a few years

Chapter 204 

Brandon stared at my hand, his gaze softening. Okay

My lips moved slightly. He bent over, adjusting my position on the couch. Then, he patted my head

His movements were soft and gentle, quelling all the fear that I had felt in my dream

He went into the kitchen and brought out two plates of food. I sipped the water on the table and stood up


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