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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 

As the door opened, the room was filled with boisterous laughter. I immediately noticed the man sitting at the head of the table

He looked familiar. Derick introduced him, This is Eden, a close friend of mine and my regular billiard buddy.” 

I focused on the man’s face, and I finally recalled his nameEden Griffins. He was Arthur’s son and now the head of the Alpha Corporation

I had read about him online. He was a fan of billiards and even won an amateur tournament championship

It hadn’t crossed my mind that he wouldbe connected to Derick, let alone be on such good terms with him

And this must be our Maddie?Eden chimed in with a smile

Though the term Maddiesounded friendly, it sent a chill down my spine. Even though his profile appeared clean, Arthur’s reputation wasn’t, so there was no way he could be completely clean either

People couldn’t always judge a book by its cover

Maddie, from now on, just call him Eden. If you ever run into any trouble, feel free to reach out to him,Derick said as he pulled out a chair for me to sit down

Derick also pulled out a chair and was about to sit down when Eden said, Derick, why don’t you sit here? Let Maddie sit between us so I can get to know her better.” 

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing his words. I had always been wary of strangers, especially someone like Eden

I instinctively glanced at Derick, but he didn’t look up. He calmly set out my cutlery. You can still talk while sitting there.” 

I exhaled quietly in relief. I couldn’t help but think that Derick had lived up to being someone I could trust, keeping me out of an uncomfortable situation

Eden chuckled. Derick, this is the first time I’ve seen you being so protective of a girl.” 

Derick placed the cutlery in front of me, arranging it very precisely. If anything was slightly out of place, he would adjust it until it was perfect. She’s my sister. How could any girl compare?” 

It was a subtle warning to Eden that I wasn’t someone he could mess with

To be honest, I was pretty touched. Derick had made his stance clear. Eden, being perceptive, simply smiled and then looked past Derick to focus on me

Maddie, Derick is someone you can rely on.” 

Before I could respond, Derick started chatting with Eden. The two of them discussed the recent competition

After they had talked for a while, Eden glanced at me with a smile. Derick, we’ve been so caught up talking about billiards that we haven’t paid any attention to Maddie.” 

He turned to me with a grin. You’re not bored, are you?” 

She’s definitely not bored. She knows as much as we do. Her skills on the table are topnotch, even among the best female players,Derick boasted about me

Chapter 223 


Eden looked genuinely surprised. Really? Well, after dinner, let’s head over to Derick’s place and play a few rounds.” 

Derick agreed, Sure, but here’s the catch. If Maddie wins just one round out of five, it counts as your loss.” 

Deal!Eden responded enthusiastically

They didn’t ask if I was interested, but I didn’t object either. This was the perfect opportunity for me to get closer to Eden, and perhaps eventually to Arthur


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