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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 229

Chapter 229 

Xander’s description of a tough man immediately brought Brandon to 

mind. I recalled what Derick had said about Xander’s friend with the last name Howell who had invested a large sum of money into his company

I looked at Xander. When you say tough man, what exactly do you mean? Do you happen to have such a friend, Mr. Roulder?” 

Xander cleared his throat. It’s hard to describe. It’s about having a strong, upright presence, likelike those on the screen.” 

He pointed to the large TV in the cafeteria, which was showing news footage of flag bearers standing in perfect military posture. Each of them looked stern and resolute

I couldn’t help but think of Brandon again, and I sensed that Xander was implying something

I couldn’t help but think, Is his surname Howell? A tough man? A soldier- like figure? Isn’t that Brandon?” 

I looked at Xander, who was still staring at the screen, seemingly lost in thought. I decided to ask abruptly, Do you have a friend named Brandon, Mr. Roulder?” 

Hmm? What did you say?Xander turned and looked at me

It was unclear whether he hadn’t heard me or was deliberately pretending not to understand

Do you have a friend named Brandon?I repeated

Brandon?” Xander echoed, shaking his head. No, who is that?” 

He smiled at me and looked directly at me, but I could sense that his gaze was evasive

forced a smile. The tough man you mentioned, Mr. Roulder.” 

Xander chuckled awkwardly. Oh, really? Does such 

Chapter 220 

your relationship with this tough man? Is it good?” 

I noticed his curiosity and added, You seem quite interested in this tough friend of mine. Would you like me to introduce you sometime?” 

Sure, butis it convenient?Xander hesitated, clearly reluctant

Is it not convenient?I asked deliberately

Xander smiled politely. It’s just that I’m concerned about 

misunderstandings. Your friend from yesterday seemed to have an issue with me and pretended to be your boyfriend.” 

I didn’t answer his question and instead asked, Does Mr. Roulder have

friend with the surname Howell? What’s his name?” 

IdoXander’s tongue stumbled over his words. I call him Stephen.” 

Oh, how old is he?I continued probing

Xander’s expression grew a bit tense. He’s not really old, but not young either. He’s in his 30s. Still, he doesn’t have a girlfriend.” 

I nodded lightly. Is it possible for me to meet him sometime?” 

Hmm?Xander’s eyes widened with surprise and a hint of fear

I smiled. Mr. Roulder, you said he doesn’t have a girlfriend, and I happen to be single myself” 

Xander’s mouth twitched slightly, and he chuckled awkwardly. Ms. Crown, I didn’t expect you to be so direct, actually trying to play matchmaker for yourself. I’m surprised.” 

He gave me a thumbsup as he spoke

There are few good men in this world, so if there’s a chance for me to get with someone who seems suitable, I should give it a try. Isn’t it said that happiness must be fought for?” I teased him


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