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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 

Eden might have been flirting with me, and I could choose to ignore it, but I couldn’t afford to delay meeting Arthur. However, his message was 

inappropriate given the late hour. The timing was off

If I responded now, he might take the opportunity to make some other demands. If I agreed, it wouldn’t be ideal. But if I refused, it could give him leverage to use against me regarding my desire to meet with his father

The best approach was to ignore him as I had done yesterday

I snapped back to reality and continued chatting with Lisa. I hadn’t paid much attention to what she said earlier, but now I heard her ask, So, now that you and Brandon are officially together. What’s the next step?” 

What next step?I was still distracted by Eden’s message

You know, what comes next in a romantic relationship? Of course, it’s the physical aspect,Lisa said with a teasing tone

I understood immediately. Brandon is a decent guy, okay?” 

Does being decent mean he has no emotions or desires? Does it mean he doesn’t want to start a family?Lisa followed up with two pointed 


Then, she added with a huff, Chris is also very decent.” 

I fell silent. Lisa seemed to notice my emotion and clarified, I don’t mean anything specific. I just want to point out that in a romantic relationship, dopamine is released, which boosts adrenaline levels and stimulates sexual desire

Let’s put it this way. A man who truly loves you will have urges and will want to be intimate with you. If he doesn’t or can easily control himself, it’s likely he doesn’t love you as deeply.Lisa analyzed love using her medical knowledge

I thought about the years I spent with Chris. Although we were publicly 

recognized as an engaged couple, our most intimate actions had just been holding hands or hugging briefly

It seemed that he never had those kinds of thoughts about me. I used to think it was out of respect, like a modernday gentleman. I even 

questioned my allure

But now, with Lisa’s analysis, I realized that Chris’s feelings for me might not have been as deep as I thought. He also said he wasn’t interested in that kind of thing because we were too familiar

Lisa then asked, Maddie, does Brandon show any interest in that aspect, or does he cling to you and not want to let go?” 

I recalled the time I stood at the door with Brandon. We embraced each other, neither of us willing to pull away

There is interest, how could there not be? But it’s all within the bounds of 

propriety,I explained

Bullshit!Lisa exclaimed. If a man really loves you deeply, he’ll want to be completely immersed in you and to merge with you.” 

Her blunt words made my throat go dry. I walked to the kitchen, poured

glass of water, and took a sip

Is that so? I don’t really understand these things. Dr. Carline, you’re truly an expert. You know a lot.” 

Lisa detected the teasing tone in my voice. I’m just looking out for you. I don’t want you to miss out. Brandon may be principled and reserved, but you can take the initiative.” 

I choked on my drink upon hearing Lisa’s words. It turned out that she had said all that to encourage me to take the initiative

I rolled my eyes in exasperation and asked, Why can’t I just have a pure and genuine relationship without having to use my looks to influence someone?” 

That’s not what I meant. It’s because a good man like Brandon is highly sought after. If you don’t act, someone else will.” 


Listening to Lisa, I realized how concerned she was about my lifelong 


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