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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

No. It’s for us. After all, we need to test the lighting, which will have to be tested at night for the best results. We have to be prepared to stay overnight or go home really late, so it won’t be convenient for us to go all the way back home,I explained

Kara gave me a thumbsup. Ms. Crown, your foresight is as impressive as 


If you have a boyfriend, remember to let him know you won’t have much time for dating for a while,I reminded her

It’ll be fine. It’s about time to give him a little test anyway,Kara said with a bright smile

Her smile was so sweet that I could immediately tell how much he liked him

Great. Let’s get to work then. In order to save more time, we should find the root of all the problems that have come up. That way, once our partners reach, they can target the very root of the issue,I said

Kara nodded and took out the blueprint. “I’ll watch over Areas A, D, and F.” 

I’ll take care of the rest,I said. Even though I was the head of the project, the situation called for all hands on deck

The next day, we met up with the two representatives from construction management. One was named Mr. Huntington while the other was a woman called Ms. Wydell

We met up with the representatives of the lighting company as well, Mr. Zales and Mr. Lachy

The six of us began to discuss the issues that Kara and I had discovered. After that, we did a thorough investigation of the equipment. Finally, we determined that none of the physical lighting was damaged, nor was any of the 

construction work. The problem came from the debugging of the lighting programming

As per our previous agreements, the lighting company was in charge of dealing with the debugging. Mr. Lachy immediately contacted the company 

Chapter 59 

and gave me a quick answer. We’ll send over a lighting engineer from our company. He’ll be here by tomorrow afternoon.” 

I felt rather impatient at that answer. Is it possible to make them arrive sooner

Even though we had a month left, and we already found the root of the issue, lighting debugging was an extremely tedious job. A single light might need to be reprogrammed many times, and there were more than 10,000 lights all over. the amusement park. It would be impossible to complete if we didn’t speed up the process

We also had to leave time for Chris to check everything. If he was unhappy with what we came up with or felt like something was unsatisfactory, we would need more time to adjust things

Mr. Howell is overseas. He’s already rushing back, and tomorrow is the soonest he can be here,Mr. Lachy explained

Since their side was already trying their best, I couldn’t really say anything. All 

could do was wait

We all had dinner together, during which asked, How’s Mr. Howell’s repertoire?” 

Mr. Lachy was about 40 years old and slightly plump. He was also extremely friendly and sincere. Well, let’s just say that if he’s the secondbest in the industry, no one can claim to be the best

Was he really that good

I chuckled and replied, If that’s the case, I feel much better already.” 

He’s still single, by the way. If you have any single young ladies looking for a partner, maybe we could introduce them to each other,Mr. Lachy joked

Sure! Aren’t you afraid that he won’t want to leave if he dates someone from here?I teased

Well, our company provides positions for our staff’s family members,Mr. Lachy teased back

The meal was extremely enjoyable and was a welcome way to relieve the tension from the upcoming stress. When I got home, my phone rang. It was a call from Chris


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