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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 6

Jewel came through safely, and the baby was saved. She returned to her hospital room looking pale and miserable, her eyes red from crying. Combined with her delicate appearance, she looked truly fragile and pitiful.

"Don't worry too much. The baby is fine." Chris reassured her.

"Chris, I'm so scared," Jewel cried.

Chris handed her a tissue, and she took it. She held onto his hand, with her tear-streaked face resting on the back of his hand.

Sure, she looked pitiful, but that didn't mean she could just treat someone else's fiancé like her husband.

I walked over to them. "Mrs. Goodwin, the doctor said that intense emotions aren't good for the baby. You've managed to save your child. It would be a problem if something were to happen because you cried."

I gently pulled her away from Chris without making a fuss.

But seeing the tears on Chris' hand back, I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable as if something of mine had been dirtied by someone else.

I was a bit of a clean freak, both in daily life and in relationships.

Jewel seemed surprised when I addressed her as Mrs. Goodwin. Her face visibly stiffened, but she quickly adjusted her emotions.

"Chris, I'm sorry. What am I doing?" She reached for a tissue to wipe Chris' hand, only for me to stop her.

"Mrs. Goodwin, you shouldn't move around right now."

Jewel's face froze, her tearful eyes looked at Chris with obvious admiration.

"Does Jewel like you?" I asked Chris directly as we came out of the ward.

"No," Chris denied it.

"What about you? Do you like her?"

If I was going to ask, I wanted a clear answer. I didn't want to be strung along.

Chris' expression visibly stiffened. After a few seconds, he uttered softly, "We're just friends."

Just friends?

"Ian is gone. Before he died, he held my hand and asked me to take care of Jewel..." Chris' voice trembled, and so did his hand that was hanging by his side.

Whenever he mentioned Ian's death, he always seemed emotional. This wasn't the first time he reacted this way.

My heart sank a bit when I saw him this way. "I didn't mean anything else. I just noticed how much Jewel relies on you."

"She... Maybe it's because she's pregnant that she feels insecure by herself," Chris explained on her behalf. His dark eyes settled on my face. "Maddie, I'll be more careful in the future."

With him putting it this way, what more could I say? But I still reminded him, "Even if you're taking care of her for Ian's sake, you should know that men and women are different."

I didn't want to see what I witnessed just now happen again. I didn't want to feel disgusted with myself.

"Okay, I understand."

He had just finished speaking when we heard the urgent sound of wheels squeaking against the ground not far away.

Turning my head, I saw a group of people pushing a stretcher toward us in haste. Just as I was about to move aside, I heard Chris utter in a low voice, "Watch out." He then pulled me aside.

The group rushed past us from behind.

As I nestled into his embrace, the pounding of his heart echoed loudly in my ears. This sound reminded me of the time shortly after I had arrived at the Gildon estate, when I had attended a school event and accidentally fallen from a height.

Chris had rushed over and held me. He had then reassured me and carried me to the infirmary. That was the first time I had heard his heartbeat sounding so frantic.

That was when I had truly fallen for him.

At this moment, his heartbeat was still racing, and it was because of me.

I closed my eyes, unwilling to think about anything else, and nuzzled my face against Chris' chest. "Let's go home. I'm tired."

"Okay, I'll just tell Jewel," Chris said as he released me, kissing my forehead.


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