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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

I just smiled. In the next life, I wish to be reborn as their daughter. Thenwe’ll be siblings.” 

Conrad’s smile froze for a moment, then he gestured towards the risotto. Your should eat more. You’ve gotten thinner.” 

Alright.I started to focus on eating the food

Conrad kept watching me. I stopped eating only when I couldn’t manage 

another bite. Then, I took a few sips of the antiinflammatory tea

Chris still cares about you. He made some antiinflammatory tea for you and sent that using Mom’s name,Conrad said

I smirked. Late affection is worthless

The pain in my mouth dulled my appetite. I packed up the leftover food and said, Conrad, thanks for coming. Tell Bree and Zack that I’ll visit once I’m done! with work.” 

I pointed to the amusement park. There’s less than a month left before it’s done. The lighting isn’t even set up yet, so I’m actually really busy.” 

Chris mentioned that too, but you still need to take care of yourself,Conradurged

Okay, I know.I pointed at Brandon, who was working in the distance. I have to get back to work now.” 

Alright, be careful,” Conrad reminded me again

Brandon had skipped lunch, and he barely spoke to me all afternoon. It felt like he was angry. But I couldn’t figure out what I had done to offend him

Over the next few days, Brandon was colder and more silent than usual, only. focusing on work

This was fine by me, and I cooperated fully. The only difference was that wer now had regular breaks for water and rest. I wasn’t sure if he did this for himself or me

By the end of the week, our progress was on track, but the future was still 



The intense workload was exhausting

Kara was so tired that she couldn’t even finish her favorite TV shows before falling asleep. But I couldn’t afford that luxury

Every night, I had to review and summarize the day’s lighting adjustments. I often didn’t sleep until midnight or later

I was exhausted. Whenever I felt I couldn’t stay awake any longer, I’d splash my face and soak my feet in cold water until I was alert again

One night, just after I’d done this, Brandon, who hardly ever spoke to me outside of work, sent me a message. Are you asleep? If you’re not, come over. I need to discuss some issues regarding tomorrow’s Technical Testing Zone.” 

If it had only been that question, I would’ve ignored his message. But he mentioned work, so I replied immediately. On my way.” 

Fortunately, I was somewhat alert now. I took my notebook and knocked on his door

Brandon wore a military green Tshirt and black cotton pajama pants. Somehow, he seemed even taller like this, making me feel shorter in comparison

His eyes focused on my face, and I noticed a brief flicker in them. But he didn’t say anything, only stepped aside to let me in

I set down my computer and was about to open it when he turned his toward me. Can you check if these areas I’ve marked differ from the blueprints?” 


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