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Loving You In Secret (Vicky and Tyler) novel Chapter 1721

Tyler must have gotten the news from Jade, which was why he came back.

He gazed at Vicky. "Did he give you any trouble?"

"No. Old Mister Hart just came to see me." After a pause, Vicky asked, "How's your injury? Is it any better?"

"Why didn't you come to see me if you knew I was hurt?"

Tyler's question confused Vicky. "You asked me to come back to rest, no?"

"Yes, but I didn't say you can't visit me."

"I feel like throwing up whenever I smell the scent of disinfectant in the hospital."

Tyler smiled coldly. "So you can't even come once?"

Vicky did not understand why he would be upset.

"You told me to stay home whenever I text you. And like I said, I get nauseous whenever I go to the hospital. Plus, I haven't been out more than a handful of times in the past few weeks."

"Do you feel nauseous because of the scent of disinfectant or because of me?" he asked forcefully.

"No, you're mistaken. It's not that I don't want to see you, but it's really because I can't stand the smell of the disinfectant."

"Then how do you explain you didn't even call me once?"

"I texted you, didn't I?" asked Vicky helplessly. "I didn't call you because I didn't want to disturb your rest."

Tyler's eyes turned inky black. "One last question. Do you still love me?"


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