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Lust Contracts novel Chapter 6

**Flash Flash Flash**

“EROS please look this way. Perfect…”

“Just relax your upper body a bit…look into the camera…that’s it…give us a sexy look,”

“Glance over there. Yup…ok. A couple more full body shots with some accessories over here and we can probably call it a day,”

I stood to the side in a navy suit and a matching skirt as I watched EROS work on the last job on his busy schedule for today. From early in the morning until now, EROS had been working on various jobs. Starting from an interview for a magazine early in the morning. Followed by a commercial shoot that ran from late morning to early afternoon with only a short lunch break in between. Another interview recording late in the afternoon.

Without a break for dinner, we had to drive all this way to this studio for him to do a fashion photoshoot for one of the leading brands that had decided to feature their products in the album cover and bonus booklet that would accompany the launch of his new music album that was expected to launch at the end of the month.

I glanced at the cock on the wall which showed that it was already close to midnight. Once again, I wondered how many hours of sleep EROS would be getting tonight. I wouldn’t be with him tomorrow since I had to take care of another client and that made me quite worried about him. Although he would probably just snap at me if I told him that.

My eyes returned to the sizzling hot man posing in front of the camera, his piercing golden eyes reminded me of the wild lions running in the yellow grass field of the savanna and so did his glossy mid length blond hair and his matching long blond eyelashes.

“He’s so hot…”

“I can’t believe I’m seeing him in person…”

“EROS is the best…”

“I love his songs…”

“His new movie is great too…”

Endless whispers of praise from the staff that had gathered not too far from me were quite disturbing. I’ve gotten used to hearing these comments by now and just hoped that EROS couldn’t hear them. Everyone would think that he would be happy to hear people shower him with praises, but in reality, he was annoyed with anything that would distract from his work.

“Shh…” I whispered softly as I put a finger up to my lips.


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