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MADE FOR EACH OTHER novel Chapter 48

Armaan didn't knew how to find dua in this whole lot of airport which was filled with people.

He didn't knew which flight exactly she's taking. He didn't even knew if she left or was still waiting.

"Where are you dua." He said as he stood in a place and skimmed his eyes all over the airport. "Please don't go. Yah Allah please make me find her." He murmured as he kept running here and there to find his hijabi.

While on other hand dua was sitting on the bench in the waiting area. Her flight was 30 minutes late. She was sitting there regretting her self, her life and everything. She wish she could change things. She wish she wouldn't had listen to ayesha. She should have kicked her out of her home, doing that won't change the reality. So she kept listening  and let her smash her life with her feet.

People speak about destiny. I call it Qadar. the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.

We are  unable to control it on our own. No matter how hard we try to run away it comes to us. No matter thousands times you deny it. It won't change it is mended to happen and it happens. Tough how much you deny it.

Will this Qadar will let armaan and dua get together. Or it would take the test by break them for once and forever.

Dua exited the airport. She began walking out along with bunch of people who were looking forward for the flight. But apparently a cyclone hit the airport in Texas. So there flight were called canceled. Now dua didn't knew where to go. All she thought was she's gonna go at her baba. She knew ayesha would help her because she just wants her gone.

She was broken. really badly. She didn't knew what to do. Apparently for now she was just gonna sit under one of the many palm,Which were for decorating of the airport. she had with thousands of memories of her armaan running down. She began to doubt whether she could really survive her all life without him.

Armaan was still running looking for her. Floors after floors. He wanted to give his hope out but giving it out meant leaving dua. A fire rise in his heart as he imagination not seeing her. Not her waking him up in the morning. Not touching her. Not feeling her and most importantly when she is carrying his baby. he can't. He'll find her at any cost. No matter what.

He began to run in order to find her.  all of a sudden he spotted a hijabi sitting under a tree on the airport. A soft chuckle left him as he saw her. He wanted to run towards her but he stood there an normalized his breath. He then started walking towards her his heart beat going wild in his chest. He began to speak even before he reached her.

"What do you thought I'll let you go that easily." He said.

Up on hearing him she turned.

All the smile of armaan faded away as a frown formed his face. He cursed himself. He apologized to lady.

He now lost all his hope. He was now accepting that she left her. He had mixed emotions now. They were anger disappointments there was sadness there was sorrow and grief. Maybe it's in the Qadar to not get her. What should I do now. I shall go home and ask ayesha. But would she say that where she transported my dua. Where are dua for real.

Armaan planned to go home. He turn and began to walk but saw a pen fallen. He leaned to pick it up and shouted for the person.

"Excuses me miss. You dropped this." He said as she saw another hijabi.

His heart beat began to race. It heart was going all wild in his chest.

She turned but was stunned to see him. She indeed thought maybe maybe he would show up but looking at him for real was making her go all crazy.

"You..Dua rizvi. How dare you pull up such stunt. How could you leave me." He closed the distance between them. Dua was frozen as she saw him walking towards her.

She was all frozen when he came and hugged her. He broke the hug and looked at her. An emotion ran within him as he saw her condition.

"I thought I'll scold you for this but then I promise myself that I won't. But please let me find her." He said as she run his thumb on the jawline. Not caring were they where.

Thousands thought run through dua. But still was far away from her conclusion. She was slowly coming back to her senses. She created a good amount of distance between them.

Armaan was stunned by her behavior.




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