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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147

“Get lost! Don’t touch her!”

Jeremy roared all of a sudden. He ran out and carried Madeline to the side of the road before calling a cab.

Ava was stuck in a daze for a few seconds before she ran after them.

Meredith and Eloise ran out hurriedly as well. They did not have time to stop Jeremy as they saw him already getting into a cab with Madeline.

Ava clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She did not think much before chasing after them.

The light of the emergency room lit up while Jeremy was sitting on the chair in the waiting room quietly. He had no expression on his face.

Madeline’s warmth and scent were still lingering in his arms. However, his white shirt had been stained with the blood she vomited out. There was so much blood and it was such an unpleasant sight.

He closed his eyes, his brain occupied with what Madeline said before she closed her eyes.

“Jeremy Whitman, you cold-blooded scum of the earth!”

Ava’s shrieks sounded in front of him. Jeremy slowly lifted his expressionless face. There was a horrifyingly ominous gaze in his eyes, and he looked as if he was going to devour someone whole at any time. However, Ava was not scared. She looked at Jeremy with tears in her eyes as she sobbed.

“Jeremy, it’s fine if you don’t love Maddie, but why do you have to torture her like this?

“What happened three years ago had nothing to do with her! She was framed! Why did you put all of the blame on her?

“Maddie followed you with no previous crimes, but you accused her of sleeping around with different men. You even denied the fact that she gave birth to your child so mercilessly! Do you know how cruel you are?


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