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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Meredith was stunned and slightly anxious. “Why are you asking me this so suddenly, Jeremy?”

“Did you lose it?” Jeremy pressed on coldly.

“No! How could I?!” Meredith immediately ensured, saying, “It’s something you gave me, so I made sure to keep it really well.”

Jeremy stared at Meredith with doubt in his eyes. “Where is it?”

“…” Meredith halted before breaking into a gentle and small smile. “Are you wondering if I yearned for you all those years? Of course, I did. That’s why everything you gave me is in safekeeping. I can take it out for you now if you don’t believe me!”

With that, she ran out the door.

Half an hour later, Meredith returned with a small bookmark made from a leaf in her hands.

The leaf was real, for it was laminated between two pieces of plastic—still whole and unbroken after all these years.

“Look, Jeremy.” Meredith handed the bookmark over with a sweet smile on her face, her tone sounding meaningful. “I really miss how it used to be back then, Jeremy. Back when I was the only one in your heart.”

Jeremy reached out calmly to take the bookmark as he listened to Meredith’s words.

Indeed, it was the one he had made all those years ago.

Meredith was indeed that girl.

Shoving the suspicion back into his chest, he placed the bookmark aside.

Meredith let out a slight exhale of relief.

Meredith had someone investigate Jeremy’s whereabouts on her way back, having felt that Jeremy was suspicious about something. She found that he had made a trip to April Hill.

It was highly probable that suspicion had risen within him due to something or someone there.

Thank goodness that she found the diary she had stolen from Madeline at home and the bookmark was pressed between its pages, or who would have known what sort of trouble Meredith would find herself in.


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