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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Despite feeling surprised on the inside, Madeline still maintained an elegant and calm smile.

She lifted her picturesque brows and showed a slightly confused expression. “Is there a special mark on my body? How come I don’t know of it? So, what did you see?” she asked calmly, but her heartbeat had started to become tense.

His deep black eyes were looking at her own as his lips curled up slightly. “There’s a pale pink butterfly at the back of your left waist.”

His low, husky voice carried the languidness and casualness of the early morning hours.

“I think it should be a birthmark.”

Madeline quietly heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his answer. She curled her lips and smiled faintly. “It’s a birthmark.”

“A very special birthmark.”

“So what if it’s special? I was still abandoned by my biological parents.” Madeline lowered her gaze and ate her breakfast quietly.

The morning halo shone through the glass window and scattered on her sweet, elegant face. Her dense eyelashes fluttered gently with the blinking of her eyes. There was an unspeakable sense of loneliness hidden deep in her flowy and beautiful eyes.

For some reason, Jeremy could not help but feel a pang of pain in his chest as he watched the woman in front of him looking down silently.

The smile on his face disappeared while his expression became much more solemn. “You said previously that your parents lost you due to their neglect and took in the wrong child. Have you looked for them over the years?”

“I found them,” Madeline replied without looking up, “But they much prefer that phony now. As for me…”

Madeline laughed a little sarcastically. “As for me, they don’t even want to see me, let alone acknowledge me.”

There was a long silence after her voice fell.

After breakfast, Jeremy sent Madeline back to her apartment.

Felipe had waited for Madeline all night. Seeing that she was finally back, he quietly let go of the worry in his heart.

Madeline did not tell Felipe that she had been drugged last night, for fear that he would worry.

However, Felipe still noticed that the outfit Madeline was wearing was not the same one she wore when she went out yesterday.


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