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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Madeline was caught unprepared. She reached over to pull out some tissues to soak up the blood. She was frantic. She did not know why she vomited blood, however, she did not want to let Jeremy see this.

“Madeline! I don’t care if you don’t want to eat, but why did you tarnish my food?”

Mrs. Whitman did not notice that there was blood in the curry Madeline vomited out. She pointed at Madeline and screeched angrily.

“Tell me before you come here next time so that I can get away from you! I don’t want to see you ever again!”

“Don’t be mad, Mrs. Whitman.” Meredith ran over quickly to comfort her. However, she did not forget to look back at Madeline and smirked at her.

She saw clearly that Madeline was throwing up blood.

She knew very well that Madeline could not operate on her tumor anymore. Her lifespan would be shortened if she ate such triggering food now.

If Madeline died, then her chance to be the legally wedded wife would be here.

“Are you trying to gross me out?” Jeremy roared angrily next to her.

Madeline endured the burning pain in her stomach and covered her mouth. The taste of blood in her throat did not go away. She was afraid that she would throw up more blood if she opened her mouth.

“Jeremy, don’t be mad. Maddie did not do this on purpose.” Felipe’s tone was calm and he was worried about Madeline. “Are you okay?”

Madeline felt tears welled up in her eyes. At the end of the day, the person who was most concerned about her was the person she knew a few days ago.

She held back her tears and shook her head.

“I’m fine…” She squeezed those words out through gritted teeth.

However, her answer enraged Jeremy. “You played dead when I talked to you but on the other hand, you can’t wait to answer him when he asks you a question. Madeline, you’re really something else!”

He yanked Madeline up angrily. At this moment, the old master’s voice boomed from upstairs.

“Why is it so noisy?”


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman