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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Jeremy said as he sat down. Meredith tugged at him pretentiously.

“Jeremy, I don’t think this is a good idea. Maddie doesn’t look too pleased.”

Madeline wanted so badly to throw her glass of juice on Meredith’s face. She wanted to ask her which one of her f*cking eyes saw that she was not pleased about this?

Amid the silence, Madeline heard Jeremy saying calmly, “Who is she to deny us?”


Yeah, who is she?

She had always been nothing to him.

When Meredith saw that Madeline did not dare to say anything, she was extremely pleased.

She put down her purse and sat down next to Madeline. However, she did not expect Jeremy to sit down next to Madeline.

Meredith was taken aback, on the other hand, Madeline was surprised as well.

However, based on their identities, there was nothing wrong with Jeremy sitting next to her.

Despite feeling unhappy about this, Meredith did not dare to make a fuss. So, she could only sit next to Felipe.

After she sat down, Meredith felt that this was rather nice. After all, Felipe was handsome and he had an exceptional demeanor.

Jeremy’s food arrived in a blink of an eye. They were all Meredith’s favorite food. When Madeline saw them, she lost her appetite.

She knew she told herself to not care about this, but her fragile heart kept getting bloody and bruised.

At this moment, Jeremy placed a spicy dish in front of Madeline. It was as if he was purposely going against her. “I ordered this especially for you.”

“…” Madeline lifted her head in confusion.

Jeremy was smirking. “Don’t you like spicy food? Especially tacos with hot sauce.”

“…” Madeline was suddenly amused. He still remembered her eating a taco with hot sauce with Daniel on the side of the road. This had even become the thing that he would bring this up occasionally to strike her down and humiliate her.

“Maddie, Jeremy ordered this just for you. You have to eat more.” Meredith added just in time.

Madeline looked at her with an amused look on her face. “How could I possibly have the appetite to eat this in front of a mistress?”

Meredith’s face changed and it became extremely dark. Jeremy stopped eating as well. “Madeline, are you trying to make something out of nothing?”

“How would I dare?” Madeline smiled briefly at Jeremy. “It’s so rare for you to sit down and eat with me, darling. I don’t even have time to be happy about this.”

Jeremy’s piercing gaze landed on Madeline while he had a fake smile on his face. “If you’re happy, then you should eat more.”

“Thank you for your kindness, darling, but I’m already full.” Madeline looked at the man opposite her. “Mr. Whitman, I should go back to the office now. Thank you for lunch.”

Felipe nodded. “Okay.”

Madeline got up to leave, however, she was sitting next to the window and the aisle was next to Jeremy.

Her heart started beating erratically. “Mr. Whitman, please move out of the way.”

It was as if Jeremy did not hear her. He did not react.

Madeline asked again while feeling slightly embarrassed. “Mr. Whitman, please let me through.”

When she saw that Jeremy was not moving, Meredith was extremely pleased. She loved when Jeremy forced Madeline into awkward and impossible situations.

“Jeremy Whitman, please get out of the way.” Madeline used ‘please’ for the third time. Her face was slightly red.

Jeremy finally lifted his head to look at her frantic eyes. “Are you talking to me? I thought you’re talking to that Mr. Whitman.”

Madeline looked at the unbelievable man in front of her. Finally, he got up lazily.

Chapter 91

“I’ll send you back.”

“…” Madeline was shocked.

While surprise was blown wide on Meredith’s features and she began to plead coquettishly. “But you promised to go shopping with me, Jeremy.”

“You can wait for me here first.” Jeremy walked over to Madeline without even sparing Meredith a glance. “Let’s go.”

“It’s alright. I can go back myself.” Madeline quickly rejected him. She had no idea what Jeremy was playing at, but she did not like the atmosphere it came with.

“Is there someone else you’d prefer to send you back, if not this husband of yours? Perhaps another Mr. Whitman?” Jeremy’s gaze bored into her, the words left unsaid reaching her anyway.

Not wanting to fight anymore, Madeline stopped protesting and let Jeremy send her back.

Madeline could not help the joy then ran through her when she turned to find Meredith’s indignantly puffed cheeks about to explode.

Jeremy took the guise of sending her back as an opportunity to warn Madeline.

“Don’t let me see you getting close and touchy with Felipe again,” His voice rang out, devoid of warmth.

“Why?” Madeline blinked innocently at Jeremy, her voice saccharine-sweet when she spoke, “You are my husband, yet you seem to have no qualms hugging and getting chummy with other girls on the street. So why can’t I even have dinner with the opposite sex?”

Jeremy paused, almost like he was surprised by Madeline’s reaction.

He stared at her. With the faint makeup dusting on her exquisite and small face coupled with glistening eyes that shimmered under the light, Madeline looked intelligent and innocent.

His mind blanked for two whole seconds before Jeremy got ahold of himself and what pretense of warmth he had in his expression vanished. With a tinge of anger in his actions, he reached out to clutch her by the chin. “So is this how you seduced Felipe? By putting on an innocent and pitiful look?”

Madeline smiled through the pain. “Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Whitman.’

“Madeline!” Jeremy exploded in anger, the fury in his eyes burning hot enough to cremate Madeline.

Thinking about how he was about to punish her, Madeline had not expected him to bend down and bite hard on her neck.


It hurt and Madeline tried to push Jeremy away, only to realize that he had her pressed firmly against the wall.

A good few seconds later, he let her go.

It was supposed to be a cold winter, yet Madeline felt hot and her cheeks burning.

Jeremy pulled her scarf off, leaving the bright red mark on her neck available for all to see.

Proud and satisfied with his work, he pulled a frantic Madeline into his chest.

“You’re not allowed to buy scarves anymore.”

He warned, his tone leaving no room for protest.

Madeline was at a loss. “What do you want from me, Jeremy?”

Jeremy’s charming features chuckled evilly in the reflection of her dark eyes. “Weren’t you praying to be mine? Why can’t I kiss you, I’m your husband, right?”

“…” Madeline flushed bright red, unable to refute.

Indeed, they were technically husband and wife.

“I’m going to the company!” Madeline struggled against his hold. “The love of your life is still waiting for you, go to her.”

Instead of letting her go, Jeremy pulled Meredith closer toward him. His hot breath fanning against the shell of her ear. “Why are you so adamant about pushing me away to another woman? I thought you told me you loved me. Or is this just how you show love?”

Madeline’s heart thumped in her ears. Right as she thought she was about to go crazy, Jeremy let go of her.

Frantically, Madeline began to straighten out her clothes. Turning around, she found Felipe Whitman, staring at them from the doors of the restaurant.

Chapter 92

Madeline felt her racing heart calm immediately and the heat leave, her blood cold in her veins.


To think that she had actually thought that he was jealous. What ludicrousness.

When it was merely just him being a possessive alpha male, asserting his dominance.

She was merely a prop in his play.

Madeline smiled mirthlessly, as she felt Jeremy approach from behind. “I shall leave my wife in your hands, Uncle Felipe. Thank you in advance for looking after her,” He thanked Felipe.

Felipe smiled gentlemanly. “Of course.”

While Madeline had not bought another scarf, she did buy a band-aid to cover up the red mark Jeremy left on her.

She sat down and began to work. Not long after, she began to receive angry texts from numerous unknown numbers. All of them scolding her about how shameless she was to seduce Jeremy.

It was almost too easy to guess who the culprit behind was when no one else but Meredith would send her such texts.

To warrant such a reaction from Meredith, Madeline knew that she must have also seen Jeremy holding her by the corner of the wall.

Ignoring the malicious texts, she continued to work.

After another while, servants of the Whitmans called her over for dinner.

Madeline had decided to visit Old Master Whitman anyway since he had not been doing so well as of late.

Clocking out, Madeline made a stop to buy the Old Master’s favorite muffins before taking the bus to the Whitman Manor.

Entering through the doors, he was met with the sight of Meredith eating fruits lazily on the sofa. Next to her laid Jackson, asleep with his head on a bolster.

The sight of the child had Madeline’s heart clenching uncontrollably.

The pain always a prerequisite to the memory of the night her labor was induced and the child she had never gotten the chance to see.


Meredith showed no surprise at the sight of Madeline.

Ignoring her, Madeline continued to walk into the house. Approaching the stairs to look for the Old Master, she heard Meredith’s dark voice sound from behind. “The old f*ck isn’t here.”

Madeline turned sharply at Meredith’s words.

“That’s still Jeremy’s grandfather, Meredith. How could you refer to him like that? What if the Whitmans hear you?”

“Hmph.” Meredith snorted and spared Madeline a disdainful glance. “What’s wrong with me calling him an old f*ck if that’s what he is? Why, does it hurt you?”


“I would have been Mrs. Whitman long ago had it not been for that old man. Well, I suppose it’s not too bad now that he’s been sent to the hospital thanks to his heart attacks.”

“Wait, Grandfather had a heart attack and got sent to the hospital?”

Madeline felt her heart sink as unease settled in the pit of her abdomen.

“Which hospital is he at, Meredith?”

“Pfft.” Meredith chuckled coldly. “Who are you to know about that? Who do you think you are?”

Tossing the fruit knife in her hand, she marched ferociously toward Madeline.

“Look at you, Madeline, broke and stinky. Who are you to steal my man? You think just because Jeremy did what he did today because he likes you? You’re just a toy in his eyes!”

Chapter 93

Arrogantly, Meredith lifted her head to glare at Madeline. Her anger must have been driven by the humiliation of Jeremy’s actions this afternoon.

Madeline chuckled lightly. “Then why are you angry if you’re so sure that he only kissed me for fun? Why spend so much money to have people send me those texts?”

“You…” Words formed lumps at Meredith’s throat, unable to be said.

It dawned on Madeline. “That’s why you had the Whitman servants call me? What did you call me here for?”

“Important business obviously.” Meredith’s smile turned sinister as she suddenly grabbed Madeline by her wrist, her eyes harsh and fierce. “Why won’t you get lost already, Madeline? How many times must I remind you that Jeremy is mine? You should know by now what happens when you steal my man.

“Did you forget why you went to prison? Did you forget how Jeremy killed the illegitimate child in your stomach to console me? Did you forget how your mentally ill grandfather died?”

Meredith’s smile grew demonic before Madeline’s eyes.

Staring at Meredith’s wretched expression, Madeline’s mind supplied her with scene after scene of torturous imagery. Especially at the mention of Grandfather’s death.

“You were the one….” Blood rushed to Madeline’s head. “Meredith, you killed Grandfather…”

“It’s not my fault he found out something he shouldn’t.” Meredith lowered her voice, an evil look swimming in her dark eyes.

Madeline shivered. Right as she was about to counter the other, Meredith pushed her back.

Taken by surprise, Madeline staggered backward only to realize that Meredith had walked back and picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table.

Madeline thought that Meredith would be coming after her, but she was shocked to find Meredith point the blade of the knife at Jackson who laid asleep on the sofa.

Madeline’s heart raced. “What are you doing, Meredith?!” She yelled, her heart thumping inexplicably hard in her chest.

“Hmph. I’d like to see how you’re gonna get out of this, Madeline!” Staring at Madeline as she spoke, Meredith suddenly raised the fruit knife and cut Jackson’s face!



Both Madeline’s protest and Jackson’s yell of agony rang out at the almost same time.

Seeing the angelic little cheeks marred with a long wound, Madeline felt her heart clench in pain. Blood began to leak out of the long gash, staining the fair skin below.

She could not believe Meredith’s actions. Not even tigers would prey on their young. How could Meredith do such a thing…

She immediately ran over to help Jackson stop the blood, only to be held back by Meredith who shoved the fruit knife into her hands. Then she used both her hands to grab Madeline’s right and began to wail, all while holding Madeline tight enough that she could not struggle out of the other’s grasp.

“Madeline! How could you? Why did you have to hurt my son? Hurt me instead, leave my son alone!”

Meredith yelled from the top of her lungs, making Madeline’s head ache with how loud she was being. Madeline stared at Meredith in disbelief.

So this was Meredith’s plan all along!

The cacophonous activity had the servants and Mrs. Whitman rushing downstairs and toward them. Seeing the scene, Mrs. Whitman exclaimed in shock, “Oh My God! My precious grandson! How could you be so ruthless, Madeline Crawford? How could you attack a child?”

Coincidentally, Jeremy walked through the doors just as she began to rage at Madeline.

Seeing Jeremy, Meredith began to cry and shake. “Jeremy! Madeline tried to kill our son!”

Jeremy’s first thought when he walked into the house had been a complaint about how everyone was so noisy. However, hearing Meredith’s words, his eyes shifted to the fruit knife and Jackson whose face was soaked with blood. Instantly, his expression darkened.

Madeline’s heart skipped a fearful beat and the blood drained from her face as she stared at the man walking toward herself. “It wasn’t me, Jeremy! I didn’t…”

The man’s sinister gaze froze her before she could finish explaining herself. “You need to die!”

“Jeremy, it wasn’t me…”


With that, Jeremy kicked her hard enough to send her flying.

Chapter 94

Madeline’s abdomen crashed against the corner of the coffee table as she fell onto the floor and shivered as the pain stabbed into her and spread throughout her body in waves. Climbing back onto her feet with difficulty, she was slapped again by Mrs. Whitman before she could even stabilize herself.

“You wicked woman! I’ll make your life a living hell if anything happens to my grandson!” Mrs. Whitman warned harshly, before pushing Madeline again.

Already weak on her feet, Madeline found herself falling to the floor again as Mrs. Whitman pushed. This time it was her head that knocked against the coffee table. Her forehead was cut on impact and blood began to leak from her wound.

Black spots appeared in her vision and her mind buzzed.

“My heart hurts, Jeremy! Why does Madeline have to come after me all the time?” Meredith began to wail and complain.

Jeremy’s threatening and terrifying gaze swept over Madeline again before he turned around to carry a pale Jackson.

“Don’t worry, our baby will be fine.” Jeremy comforted Meredith as he marched out. “Don’t worry, I’ll make the culprit pay the painful price.”

He promised Meredith, a promise that solidified Madeline’s impending doom.

Swaying, Madeline braced against the pain and stood. Her heart shook as she watched Meredith turn around to smirk victoriously. Never would she have expected Meredith to cut her own son’s face just to frame her, but that was the horrifying truth.

Just how evil must one be to do such a merciless thing?

The thought of Jackson’s angelic appearance, so cute and innocent, potentially marred for life had Madeline’s chest tightening uncomfortably.

Secretly, she followed them to the hospital. Allowing the doctor to quickly patch up the wound on her forehead, she immediately went to the emergency ward.

Arriving, she watched a nurse rush out of the ward.

Meredith tugged on the nurse, tears streaming off her face. “How is my son, nurse? Will his face scar?”

“Scarring is the least of the problems now. The child’s lost a fair amount of blood and we need an infusion, but the hospital doesn’t have blood packets that fit your son. As his mother, you…”

Meredith’s expression shifted slightly and she rushed to interrupt. “I’ll do it, Nurse. I’ll do it! You can take all my blood if it means you’ll save my son!”


Madeline could not help but laugh at the scene before her.

That was just how fake Meredith was.

Yet this very fake act turned into something magnificent in Jeremy’s eyes.

Frowning, he walked over to Meredith. “Meredith.”

“I won’t let anything happen to our son, Jeremy!” Meredith looked at Jeremy with teary eyes and followed the nurse out.

Only to run out not a minute later. “The doctor said no, Jeremy. I can’t give my blood when I’m still on my period.”

She began to wail, clutching Jeremy tightly.

“What do we do, Jeremy? What if our baby dies? How could Madeline be so cruel? Why can’t she just hurt me? Why did she have to hurt our son?”

At that, Madeline watched bloodlust bloom in the space between Jeremy’s brows.

Her heart clenched and she turned to the blood donation center without sparing them another glance.

Knowing that her blood type was just like Meredith’s, the rare RhAB blood type, she should be able to donate for Jackson.

After a quick inquiry, the doctor waved off her initial concern about the situation of her body posing a problem.

With that, Madeline donated Jackson 500c.c worth of her blood, leaving her body too exhausted to even walk.

Chapter 95

With heavy steps, she turned to leave only to have Jeremy’s voice ring out suddenly from behind.

“A woman just donated her blood to my son? Which one?”

“Huh? Oh, that one.”

Hearing the nurse’s reply, Madeline hid herself in the emergency exit.

She was afraid that Jeremy would find it disgusting to know that it was her blood, but saving Jackson took priority.

Madeline hid in the corner, clenching her jaw and crouching as she saw Jeremy’s shadow pass in front of her.

Her entire body ached and the blood donation had left her shivering from the cold. Curling into herself by the corner, she watched Jeremy’s figure leave and vanish from sight, just as Madeline’s consciousness began to give. It was already the following day when she woke. Her legs cramping from her position as she stood with a hand braced on the wall.

The pain in her body was still present and the wound on her forehead seared.

Supporting her weight on the wall, she found Meredith on the phone, approaching the emergency staircase, just as she was about to inquire about Jackson’s situation.

Madeline immediately stepped back, hiding behind the door.

Meredith’s frustrated tone drifted over. “Hmph. So some woman just happened to step up and donate blood for that thing. I don’t know where she came from but I hate it. She should’ve just let the thing die, then Jeremy definitely would not go easy on Madeline!”

“That thing’s a damn eyesore. He should’ve died two years ago! The only reason he’s still alive is that he’s useful.”

Madeline was shocked by the words out of Meredith’s mouth.

Were these even the words of a mother?

Jackson was still hers and Jeremy’s son. How could she be so fickle with her biological son’s life just to make Jeremy hate Madeline?

That was inhumane!

Unable to suppress the fumes of anger, Madeline walked out the door.

Hearing movement, Meredith turned around to see Madeline and her expression shifted immediately. “Why are you here, Madeline, you b*tch!”

“You are inhumane, Meredith!”

Furious, Madeline raised a hand to slap it across Meredith’s cheeks.

“Meredith Crawford! Not even tigers prey on their young! Yet you? Not only did you slice your own son’s cheek open, how can you even wish death upon him? How could a woman as evil as you exist in this world?”


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman