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Mafia Desire novel (Ava and Andrew) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51
Ava’s POV

"WAKE UP, YOU WHORE." I heard Sylvester scream. I flinched when he yelled and shot my eyes wide open, meeting a very angry Sylvester. I felt his fist meet my face and I heard my nose break as the blood came rushing out of it.

"You have been out for a week, slut." Sylvester shouted, grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking it to the side. I tried too punch him too defend myself but was unable when I felt the chain’s yank my arm back. "You"re gonna pay for that." Sylvester said, noticing my action.

I watched in horror as he let go of my hand and started too undue his belt.

He pulled down his pants leaving him only in his boxers and a shirt. My eyes widened and I started to go into panic mode, Sylvester watched my struggling and started laughing. He placed himself on top of me and began attacking my neck with his mouth.

My eyes started to water when he began touching me.

I was still in my black dress from going out with Andrew and Sylvester knew that he had easy access to whatever he wanted. I began flailing my arms and legs around, making my body move around, in an attempt to get Sylvester off but I couldn’t do much because of the chains.

"Stop moving. I wanted you to be awake for this; I want you to remember this." Olive said, his mouth still attacking my neck going down further and further.

I screamed and screamed hoping, praying that someone would hear me and help. Tears began to stream down my face as I felt him rip my dress in half, exposing my underwear.

"This is better than anything I expected." Sylvester grinned, as he stopped attacking me and looked at me now almost exposed in the red lingerie I was wearing for Andrew.

"GET AWAY FROM ME." I yelled at the top of my lungs, still flailing myself around hoping that I could slip my hand through one of the restraints.

"Shut up, I know you’re going to enjoy this." He said, placing his hand over my mouth preventing me from screaming and reaching for my underwear. I took the opportunity to bite his hand as hard as possible, drawing blood and making Sylvester yell.

He yanked his hand away from my mouth and looked at me viciously. He reached behind his back and pointed a gun at me.

"Please kill me." I thought, closing my eyes ready to accept my fate.

I heard a gunshot go off and waited for the pain to kick in but once I felt nothing but ringing in my ears I opened my eyes. I inspected myself and saw that there was no blood anywhere, I looked back at Sylvester and he started to laugh like a maniac.

"I am not too kill you kitten, he gave you up and I intend to have some fun." Sylvester hissed. I furrowed my eyebrows in wonder of why he started to call me "kitten" and who was talking about. The only person that called me "kitten" was... no.

My eyes shot back too him and I looked into his, searching for an answer. Sylvester’s straight face turned into a evil smile when he knew what I was thinking. He bent down by me and looked me straight in the eyes before saying, "Andrew, gave you too me."

My eyes widen and I felt them start to water. Sylvester’s evil laugh filled the room and I hear him walk out, leaving me completely alone to my thoughts.

"Did Andrew sell me?"

"Did he fake everything?"


"He wouldn’t."

"Sylvester is just trying to get into my head."

I bring my hand too my in an attempt too wipe a tear off my cheek but am surprised when I actually felt my hand caress my cheek. I opened my eyes and look at my hand and back up too the chain.

"That stupid idiot shot the chain and not the wall."

I took my now free arm, letting it fall to the ground in exhaustion.

My arm lay on the ground for a good 10 minutes before I found the strength to bring it up too my other chained up arm. I observed the clasp around my wrist, it was about 3 inches thick and had a lock around it, connecting it to the chains. I noticed that it wasn’t a military grade lock and I could easily pick it if I had something to pick it with.

I used my free hand to grab a bobby pin out of my hair and started to work on the lock, a few seconds later the lock unlocked, unchaining me from the wall. My arm fell and after a few minutes of rest I picked the ankle locks.

After I had gotten myself completely free I looked around the very familiar room. There was no flooring so it was all concrete, in the corner next to me there was the blood stained mattress I used to sleep in and the door on the other side of me, which was only a few feet away.

I carefully got up and attempted to cover myself with what was left of my dress but was unsuccessful because Sylvester ripped it in half across my stomach. I steadied my breathe trying not to remember what he had done and tried to walk over to the door.

I knew it wouldn’t open because Sylvester always locked it so I just needed to wait for him to come down and grab his gun from his back waist band, shot him and then grab the key and escape. Simple.

I knew he wouldn’t be coming for a while since he just spent time with me and from the amount of thumps from upstairs, it was about 6 and people were starting to come in. I sat down next to the door and brought my legs to my chest, hugging them.

Thoughts racing around in my head about everything that he said.

"Andrew was the only one to call me kitten."

"So how would Sylvester know that."

"Maybe Andrew really did sell m- No he wouldn’t."

"There has to be another reason."

"After I escape I will go to him."

"He must be worried about me."


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