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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Breaking off the Engagement at any Time 

Catalina scribbled down her name on the agreement. 

After finishing writing, she stood up, handed it to Bennett, and said with a little smile," Welcome Mr. Shaffer to break off  the engagement at any time." 

Bennett, who always wore a stern face, suddenly put on a long face. 

He took the agreement, threw it to Ralph Clark and said with an extremely cold voice, "Ralph, I won't treat a newcomer who doesn't know the rules of Shaffer Family so hard. However, you still made such a stupid mistake though you have worked for me for so many years. Don't you think you should be punished?" 

Every word of Bennett, rhythmic and forceful, resounded like a sentence and was full of pressure and horror. 

Ralph lowered his head and cold sweat oozed from his forehead, "Yes, Mr. Shaffer, it's my mistake to think carelessly about this matter. I admit my mistake and accept any punishment. I dare not utter a word of complaint." 

"Report to the sandy land in Dodgeby tomorrow. Never come back without my consent!" 

"Yes, sir!" 

At this moment, Bennett was the king who had the power of granting life or death, and Ralph could only plead guilty without a struggle. 

Catalina frowned. 

Was she the so-called ingnorant newcomer that he was talking about? 

Was Ralph punished due to her? 

"Bennett, I wonder why you punish Ralph like that? Did he do anything wrong?" Catalina built up her courage, stepped forward and asked. 

Bennett asked back in a cold voice, "You know he did anything wrong, don't you?" 

"I apologize to you if it is due to Heaven incident. It has nothing to do with Ralph. I pressed him into helping me." 

"Do you think you are qualified to intercede for him?" 

"Okay, I won't intercede, but every debt has its debtor. I’m responsible for my own doing. If you have to punish someone, then punish me!" 

"Mrs. Shaffer, I..." 

Catalina stopped him with a gesture. 

She raised her head and faced Bennett without fear, "You hate me, don't you? Isn't it just as you want to punish me now?" 

Hearing this, Bennett leaned down arrogantly. 

He pinched Catalina's jaw with his cold long fingers, as if pinching an ant. "In the Shaffer family, the most stupid thing is to overestimate one's ability and stand out for others! Since you ask for punishment, then I will grant it to you! Just wait." 

After finishing speaking coldly, he cast aside Catalina's little face, straightened up, and strode away. 

"Mr. Shaff, I beg forgiveness for this matter, Mrs. Shaff..." 

Ralph caught up with him, intending to intercede for Catalina. 

"Shut up, otherwise she will be punished more severely!" Bennett’s face clouded over. 

Ralph had no choice but to stop. He bowed his head, "Yes, Mr. Shaff." 

Bennett went away, followed by his personal bodyguards, special assistant and secretary. 

Catalina heaved a sigh of relief when the mighty motorcade drove away from Sophora Villa. 

The alarm was finally lifted. 

She was still in a state of shock, patted her chest, shook his head and sighed, "If such a thing happened agan, I would drop dead sooner or later." 

"Mrs. Shaff, I'm so  sorry. Thank you for interceding for me, but you really shouldn't have clashed with Mrs. Shaff for me." 

"It's okay. This is what I should do. I will feel sad if he punishes you because of me!" 

Catalina said and sat down at the dining table again, "I don't know what method Mr. Shaff will take to torment me. I think it's best to directly exile me in Dodgeby. Out of sight, out of mind." 

"Mrs. Shaff, you are joking, Mr. Shaff won't punish you like this." 

"Well, really?" 

Catalina rasied her eyebrows and laughed at herself. 

This was probably the funniest joke she has ever heard recently. 

Catalina thought Bennett wished to kill her so that he could avenge his brother Warren! 

On this point, Catalina had the wisdom of knowing herself. 

"Okay, let's not talk about him. Have breakfast first. " 

In fact, Catalina's stomach had already rumbled because of hunger, "Ralph, you rarely cook, but today you cook by yourself. I should live up to such a good meal." 


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