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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Catalina was about to change the toothpaste, but Bennett grasped her hand and said, "I'm only used to this brand."

Catalina fell silent.

There were gaps between wealthy people and ordinary folks.

Over time, conflicts are bound to arise sooner or later.

"Well... I'll go for the regular kind then. You don't have any opinions, do you?"

Bennett raised an eyebrow and asked, "What if I do?"

"Even if you do, just keep them to yourself."

As she spoke, Catalina picked up a kind of toothpaste that she usually used and put it into the shopping cart. She added, "Our living habits are already quite different. Forcing each other to compromise will just create more problems. It's either you're unhappy or I am. There are two resolutions. One is that we live separately; two, though we share the same roof, you can continue living your lavish life, but you can't interfere with my ordinary life, which means you don't impose your lifestyle on me, and I'll do the same. We mutually respect each other."

"You are twisting the truth!"

"Well, if you disagree, I might as well move in with Emery."

"Catalina, don't push it too far!"

Catalina frowned and fell silent.

And Bennett looked quite annoyed.

Seeing that Bennett was about to get angry, Catalina couldn't help but reflect upon herself, wondering if she had overreacted.

Just as she was hesitating whether to apologize and ease the tension, unexpectedly, Bennett put back the box of toothpaste he picked on the shelf.

Catalina was surprised.

But Bennett ignored her and pushed the shopping cart forward.

Catalina realized what was going on and quickly caught up.


He made no response.


He pretended to be looking at items on the shelves, showing no intention of talking to her.


Catalina raised her voice.

However, as expected, it was impossible to wake someone who was pretending to be asleep.

"Are you mad? Look, just as I told you, trying to make one person conform will only make the other unhappy. If you want that box of toothpaste, I can go get it for you. I won't complain about it."

Catalina was about to turn back to fetch the toothpaste for him.


Bennett stopped her.

Catalina halted.

"I wasn't upset about the toothpaste."

"Then what's bothering you?"

Catalina truly couldn't understand.

Bennett rolled his eyes and replied, "In relationships, one person has to compromise either you or me."

Catalina's heart missed a beat.


Ultimately, he chose to be the one to make compromises.

But why he was angry?

Bennett said with frustration, "You've never even considered living with me."

His words held a touch of sadness.

All she considered was maintaining a delicate balance, not disturbing each other, and walking in separate ways.

It dawned on Catalina.

Her heart stung, and she felt a little confused.

Yet that feeling quickly faded and was replaced by a bittersweet feeling which lingered in her heart.

Up ahead, Bennett was already pushing the shopping cart forward alone.

Watching his back, tears welled up in Catalina's eyes.

What a fool!

Did he even realize that saying such things could easily...

Make her think too much?

And she could easily have an illusion that...

But she didn't dare voice these questions.

She was afraid that it would shatter all her dreams and fantasies.

Suddenly, Catalina rushed forward and hugged him from behind.

Bennett was caught off guard.

His body stiffened, as though he were turned to stone.

His mind went blank.

It felt like an eternity, and he didn't snap back to reality until he became aware of the strange glances from people around them.


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