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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 An Unexpected Proposal 

When Catalina returned home, she found that her luggage had been thrown into the corridor by her stepmother, Elle Holder, including the doll that her mother had sewn for her before death. 

Meanwhile, her father, Cason, was sitting at the door smoking. 

His hair was messy, his face was haggard, and there was a pile of cigarette butts at his feet. 

The corridor was filled with smoke, which was a little choking. 

Through the hazy smoke, Catalina vaguely saw her father's gray temples. 

Overnight, he seemed to be nearly ten years older because of her. 

While throwing her things out, Elle cursed, "Let me tell you, your daughter is the jinx sent by God to torture you. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't have lost your job four years ago, and we three wouldn't have to be crowded in this cramped dilapidated house. Fortunately, someone blind and foolish took a fancy to her, but she did that disgusting thing again. We haven't got the chance to use the dowry money, and the Roach family had already taken it back. The heating bill has not been paid yet! Besides, her grandmother is still lying in the hospital, which costs a great deal of money every day. Why is she not dead?" 

"Mom's right!" 

Someone echoed in the house. 

It was Jenny Grant, Catalina's half-sister, who was two years younger than her and had just reached 20 this year. 

Jenny had a pretty face, but her words were extremely mean. "Catalina, that bitch, is really a jinx. Whoever has something to do with her will suffer a lifetime of bad luck. Dad, you must stay away from her in the future! The loss of face is small, but the loss of life is large. Be careful, or she may one day cause your death. Think about her mother, and Mr. Warren. Because of her, both of them suffered a lot and came to no good end." 

Cason scolded towards the house with a cold face, "Shut up! Watch your tongue!" 

After saying that, he looked back and then saw Catalina in the corridor. 


Cason slowly straightened up from his chair. 

Meeting his sad eyes, Catalina suddenly felt aggrieved, and her tears almost burst out. "Dad." 

"Look! The jinx is back." 

Jenny also came to the door. 

She leaned on the doorframe and squinted at Catalina in the corridor while eating some snacks in her hand. "Mom, Catalina is back. Have you finished throwing her things?" 

In the house, Elle heard the noise and rushed out of the door. She slammed the last few things belonging to Catalina angrily into the corridor and glared fiercely at Catalina. "You bitch! Get out and never come back. The Grant family can't afford to lose faces again because of you." 

Catalina was not surprised to be swept out by her stepmother. 

There was no emotion on her indifferent face. She just picked up the doll that her mother had sewn for her from the pile of things, cleaned the dust on it, and hugged it in her arms. Then she asked Cason, "Did the Roach family take back all the dowry money?" 


With a worried face, Cason sighed, "We haven't paid the operation fee for your grandmother yet!" 

Elle suddenly interrupted, "Why should we pay? It's a good thing if she dies!" 

"Can you stop saying that?" Cason glared at his wife. 

Catalina tried her best to hold back her tears and said, "Dad, don't worry. I will try to cover the medical expenses for Grandmother. And, I'm sorry for what happened today." 

Catalina never felt that she had any faults in this matter. 

However, she felt it was her fault to let her father worry about her. 

"How are you going to raise 100 thousand dollars for the operation?" Cason looked worried. 

Jenny sneered as she was snacking, "How? By selling herself!" 

Catalina glared at her coldly. 

Jenny immediately shrank her neck in fear, but she still muttered, "Why are you glaring at me? I know you have big eyes, but so what?" 

During the quarrel, they suddenly heard the loud engine sound of the motorcade coming from downstairs. 

Following closely, people downstairs burst into an uproar. 

"Cason! Cason!" 

"Jenny, come down quickly!" 

Downstairs, the neighbors shouted at them who lived on the second floor. 

"What? What happened?" 


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