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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Bennett's Diary

Catalina trotted after him, but after a few steps, she suddenly ran back and dashed into the house.

At the fastest speed, she washed her face in a hurry and then looked back and forth in the mirror a few times. After confirming that her face was clean, Catalina turned and ran out again.

When she came panting up to Bennett, he was already waiting for her under a thick locust tree.

His face was even darker than when he came.

Catalina didn't know what he was doing here, but she felt that it looked like he was going to question her.

"Could it be that he knows that the person who called him and hung up is me?" she thought.

Catalina nervously rubbed her hands and approached him. Just as she wanted to ask Bennett, he asked, "Who is he?"

Catalina was stunned. "What?"

With a long face, Bennett stared straight into her eyes. "The boy who tugged at your hair just now."

"Oh, he! His name is Zavier Duffy. He is..."

"I mean, what is the relationship between you two?"

Bennett interrupted her impatiently.

Catalina did not understand his intention, but she still told him truthfully, "He is my cousin. What's wrong?"


Bennett raised his eyebrows. His tense shoulders relaxed in an instant, and his face quickly softened considerably. "Got it."

After that, he said nothing more.

Catalina could only take the initiative to ask him, "Why are you here?"

As soon as she asked so, Bennett's face, which had just softened, immediately turned black again.

He glared at Catalina fiercely and then quickly stuffed a notebook into her hand. "It's really troublesome without a mobile phone!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Bennett left with no reluctance and without even looking back. However, as he left, he added, "If you dare to show it to anyone, I'll kill you!"

Catalina didn't say anything.

She stared at the small notebook that suddenly appeared in her hand and was stunned for a moment.

She opened the notebook.

To her surprise, it was Bennett's holiday diary.

Diary 1:

It was sunny.

Today, I went to the lake with my brother, and we caught three fish, one small and two big.

Fishing is boring.

Diary 2:

It was also sunny.

Today, I was forced to go camping with my mom, but my mom loved it. She and her friends had a barbecue together and suggested that I sing to them to set the atmosphere up, but I refused. I hate singing, especially in front of people. I think the person who stands in the middle performing looks like a fool.

Camping is boring.

Diary 3, Diary 4, Diary 5...

All of them were about Bennett's daily events, recording his dull life every day.

At the end of each diary, he ended up with the same adjective, which was boring.

Bennett wrote about every bit of his daily life, which not even had the basic ups and downs, but Catalina found fun in those lines and saw the real and vivid Bennett in his holiday life.

The more she read, the more interested she became.

As she read, she suddenly laughed.

When she came to think of it, however, she did not even know what part of the diary was amusing enough to make her laugh.

All she knew was that she was smiling as she read every word he had written.

The dazzling night scene became blurred bit by bit in front of Catalina's eyes.

She raised her hand to touch her face and suddenly found that her eyes were already wet.

Catalina retreated from her memory, but she couldn't help asking herself, "How did he and I change from green and naive to such a situation in just a few years?"


At the Sophora Villa.

Catalina held her head with one hand and looked at the ugly doll sitting on the bedside table, worried.

Suddenly, Wendy pushed the door in.

Catalina immediately raised her head. "Is he back?"

Wendy shook her head. "Not yet..."

"It's so late now. Why hasn't he come back?"

Catalina changed her posture and held her chin with both hands, her eyelids drooping.


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