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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 The Lovers Became Siblings

"My husband!"

"Mine! He belongs to me."

"Okay, okay. He is yours. Yours."

Seeing that Catalina was so drunk, Emery stopped arguing with her, and said with a smile, "Lina, you are hiding it so well. In general, when I talk to you about Bennett, you always have a calm face as if you aren't interested at all. Are you finally telling the truth after some alcohol now? Are you also hugging his magazine to sleep like me at night?"

Catalina lay on the table and chuckled, "I just want to hug him to sleep..."

"What! That's shameless!"

"You are the shameless one. I have all the rights to hug my husband..."

"Yes. Yes. You have all the rights. When did you start to like Bennett? How come I didn't know it at all."

"A long, long time..."

Catalina's words seemed to have touched Emery's raw nerve. She hugged Catalina and cried together with her, "I understand you. People like us who blindly adore someone will always be at the bottom of the food chain. Sob...Sob...Sob... I curse him and his mistress that the lovers will eventually become siblings!"

Catalina's tears rolled out of her eyes in the next second and dripped into the cocktail.

"Well, that's..."

Catalina's words seemed to have touched on Emery's raw nerve. She hugged Catalina and cried together with her, "I understand you. People like us who are blindly adore someone will always be at the bottom of the food chain. Sob...Sob...Sob... I curse him and his mistress that the lovers will eventually become siblings!"

"The lovers become siblings! Get the punishment for doing it!"

The two girls got so drunk in the bar and almost gone wasted because of the tragedy of adoring someone so much.

"Let's go home"

The two supported each other and staggered out of the bar.

"Wow, the starry sky is so beautiful!"

Catalina giggled while pointing at the snowy sky.

Emery also looked up at the sky, "It's so beautiful! Look! That star is blinking at us!"

"Why did the star fall?"

"Haha. The star is hitting on my face..."

Those people who were passing by the bar entrance thought to themselves, "Where do these two drunken lunatics come from? They are taking the snow as a star!"


Suddenly, someone called out Catalina's name.

The voice was warm and low and it was familiar.


Catalina shook her head.

She felt very dizzy and couldn't find the source of the voice.

"Lina, someone is calling you!"

Emery patted Catalina on her shoulder to remind her.

"Who? Who is calling me?"

"There! There!"

Emery pointed to the magnolia tree in front of them and said, "He is calling you!"


Catalina narrowed her eyes and focused in that direction, but she couldn't see that person.

She shook her head again in discomfort. Then, she saw a tall figure approaching her step by step from the magnolia tree.


That figure looked familiar.

The face was getting closer and clearer...

Who was that?

"Lina, it's me. Aaron."

That man stepped forward and supported her since she was staggering.


Catalina frowned when she heard that familiar name and saw that familiar face in front of her.

In the next second, her eyes soaked.


She scolded and pushed Aaron away angrily. Then, she punched him in his chest intensely. She cried and asked him loudly, "Why did you sell me away to Bennett? What do I mean to you? I am a human being, not an object. Why do you use me as a trade? Why?"

Catalina asked loudly.

Her tears were pouring down like rain.


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