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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The Marriage Contract

Catalina was stunned.

She didn't expect it.

It was Ralph again?

She was just thinking about him and he was here?

With the doll in her arms, she went over and approached the window, "Ralph?"

The dark window slowly slid down, revealing a cold and gloomy face.

For a moment, Catalina was shocked and her pupils expanded.

To her surprise, it was...


Catalina was so frightened that she stepped back several steps, as if the one in the car was a monster.

No, he was more terrible than a monster!

On the other side, Ralph opened the door and got off the car.

"Ms. Grant."

Ralph walked towards her and handed her a file respectfully, "I believe that you must have thought about it through a day."

It was the marriage contract with Bennett's signature.

Catalina frowned.

She looked at Bennett with puzzled and sullen eyes, "Didn't I already give the answer this morning?"

"Sign it."

In the car, Bennett said coldly and overbearingly.

The only two words were oppressive and overwhelming.

He looked straight ahead, and did not look at Catalina. "Now you have no other choice."


Catalina bit her lip.

"Ms. Grant, your grandmother needs money for her treatment!" Ralph kindly reminded Catalina.

Catalina felt sorry for her.

Was her self-esteem more important than Grandma's life?

Thinking of her grandma who was waiting for money to save her life on the hospital bed and the only 5 dollars left in her pocket, Catalina bit her teeth.

As Bennett said, she had no other choice.


It seemed she had made a very difficult decision. She took a deep breath and took the file in Ralph's hand.

Even if there was an abyss ahead, she must go on for her grandma.

She made up her mind and signed her name on two marriage applications quickly.

She signed so fast as if she was afraid that she would change her mind the next second.

She had no ability to feed herself as well as protect her family. How could she care about self-esteem?

Self-esteem was a luxury for her now.

Seeing she signed, Bennett looked a little better.


He gave the order in a calm voice.

The window was closed, and the black car flied away like a strong wind and hid in the darkness soon.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Shaffer."

Ralph put the file back and changed the address to Catalina immediately.

The sudden change made Catalina embarrassed. "Ralph, just call me Lina."


Just then, Catalina's mobile phone rang and a short message appeared.

Catalina took out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked at it.

She was quite shocked the moment she saw the message.

It was a bank remittance reminder.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

It was 200 thousand dollars in total.

He was so generous.


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